Updated: 11/4/2002; 12:11:58 AM
Off Topic: Shawn Dodd's Weblog What Shawn thinks about Technology and Public Policy |
Wednesday, October 09, 2002
Lawsuits Make Headlines, Don't Do Any Good Music swapping on the net rising. The number of users taking advantage of illegal file-sharing on the net is on the rise¸ according to new figures. [BBC News | TECHNOLOGY]
Gee, I'm so surprised to hear that the Entertainment Oligopoly's attempt to bully, threaten, and sue the file-sharing market out of existence isn't working. Imagine that.
It's common to hear music industry insiders frantically argue, "we can't compete with free," justifying their adversarial stance towards file sharing. From the article: "According to the survey, double the number of people who had used illegal file-sharing sites would be prepared to pay for music compared to those that had never used such services." There is a market; there is value; there is money to be made. The industry must stop wishing that file sharing will just go away, and get in the game. 9:53:02 AM
Copyright 2002 © Shawn Dodd
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