Reindeer Antler Velvet? Viagra Swells Scarce Animal Count. Researchers say their studies suggest that ever-quickening global Viagra sales have contributed to a softer market for traditional Chinese impotence remedies that require body parts from endangered animals. By Stewart Taggart. [Wired News]
Man, ya combine free market economics with modern science and there's no end to the good you can do. As any economist could tell you, passing laws forbidding the selling of endangered animal parts doesn't help because the market still exists -- it just jacks up prices.
Now along comes Western medicine to the rescue. See, Western medicine is based on the scientific method, so Viagra actually works, unlike remedies using seal penis and reindeer antler velvet, which are based on, well, superstition and wishful thinking. So it competes really well in this market.
Additional research is needed to confirm that Viagra is really responsible, but here's hoping that this helps conservationists see that legislating markets out of existence doesn't work. Providing real alternatives does.
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