Updated: 11/4/2002; 12:12:05 AM
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Tuesday, October 29, 2002
J2EE Vs. .Net Benchmark Interesting Benchmark. More ammo for the anti-EJB crowd [Don Box's Spoutlet]
This is a spectacularly well-done benchmark, and a fascinating read. The test matrices are huge (on the J2EE side, they initially tested multiple app servers on multiple OS/JRE combinations, with multiple JDBC drivers -- whew!). They have multiple versions of each test (e.g. with and without images) and used 2, 4, and 8-way servers. They had 100 client machines and a Gig-E network. They spent weeks and weeks optimizing. They significantly rewrote Pet Store to optimize for performance. The results are remarkable.
I know Ed Roman and The Middleware Company, so I can say for a fact they did everything one could hope for to make sure Java won the contest. Nobody knows more about deploying J2EE in real life than those guys. But .Net kicked J2EE's ass, did it for less money, scaled better, and was more stable and reliable. And the margin of victory wasn't small. Whatever you think about Microsoft's politics, they sure can execute. 10:54:35 PM
Copyright 2002 © Shawn Dodd
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