Linux Geeks Find OS X Sexy The enterprise Mac. IN MAY 2001, Apple began shipping OS X on new Macs. Six months later, at the O'Reilly Peer-to-Peer and Web Services conference, it was clear that a sea change was under way. The open-source geeks who flock to these events were flouting Microsoft not with PC notebooks running Linux, but with PowerBooks running OS X. Displayed on their gorgeous Aqua screens was the Mac's newest and most unlikely killer app: SSH, the secure shell, in all its 80-column, 25-line splendor. [Full story at] ... [Jon's Radio]
Yeah, man. There's a huge class of Linux Geeks who know that Linux is a great server OS but not such a hot desktop. So they use (an NT-based) Windows desktop and an SSH client. They use Windows for browsing the Web -- everything else they do on the Linux box via SSH.
For that category of geeks, Mac OS X is almost irresistable. They get to ditch Microsoft altogether, they can administer their desktop UNIX-style, all their favorite UNIX tools are built-in, and it looks totally sweet.
Heck, I tried to get my CTO to buy me an OS X box when 10.1 came out. He wouldn't do it.
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