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  Monday, August 12, 2002

PROTECTIVE ORDER EXTENDED: Chris Terry, Carolina Panthers

CHARLOTTE, N.C. -- Associated Press reports a judge extended to one year a temporary protective order for the wife of Carolina Panthers offensive lineman Chris Terry after she testified that he threatened her and pushed her into a wall.

12:15:49 PM    

ARRESTED: Michael Nunn, former middleweight champion

IOWA CITY, Iowa -- Associated Press reports former middleweight champion Michael Nunn was charged last week with possession of cocaine with intent to deliver, federal prosecutors said. Nunn, 39, was arrested Tuesday night after allegedly buying $24,000 worth of cocaine from an undercover FBI agent, said Al Overbaugh, spokesman for the U.S. Attorney's office. The charge carries a minimum sentence of five years in prison.

12:13:59 PM    

TRIAL BEGINS: Sylvester "Sly" Williams

SYRACUSE, N.Y. -- Associated Press reports former NBA star Sylvester "Sly" Williams will go on trial this week on kidnapping, rape and other charges. The one-time member of the New York Knicks and Boston Celtics has been held in the Broome County Jail without bail since his arrest in January.

12:12:07 PM    

REQUEST DENIED: Tournament Promoters

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. -- Daily Lobo reports a federal judge in Columbus, Ohio, has ruled that it's too soon to determine whether the NCAA's rules restricting participation in certain non-conference basketball tournaments violate federal antitrust laws. U.S. District Judge Edmund Sargus Jr. denied a request by a group of tournament promoters and organizers for a preliminary injunction which would have blocked the NCAA restriction limiting Division I schools to two such tournaments in four years.

12:02:07 PM    

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