Days Come and Days Go : A weblog which relates the events as Days Come and Days Go
Updated: 1/1/2003; 7:24:54 PM.


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Tuesday, December 10, 2002

The Owl, The Coyotes and The Raccoon

This morning was most usual. As I was driving to work I encountered some not so untypical coastal fog along a deserted stretch of road. When out of the dark gloom passed a hugh owl. He glided so effortlessly and without regard for my presence as if on some mission. His appearance, which was ever so brief, caused me amazement not only for his presence, but also for his wingspan and grace. Now, nearly to my destination and once again on a lonely piece of pavement, shot not one, but two healthy sized coyotes directly in front of my vehicle.Foggy  Stepping out of my car, I noted their fresh, wet and muddy tracks where they had only seconds before passed. When I returned home and proceeding to my daily ritual of feeding the fish within my own pond, I then noticed that there were fewer in number than there had been yesterday. Carefully studying the area around the pond, it was evident that in all probablity the night before, a raccoon had dined upon some of the ponds inhabitants. Although I live in the "city", wildlife seems to pay no attention to man's invasion.

Today's Quote:

Those who wish to pet and baby wild animals, "love" them. But those who respect their natures and wish to let them live normal lives, love them more. -Edwin Way Teale

7:23:18 PM    comment []

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