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  Sunday, February 16, 2003


Frank posted this link a bit earlier. Wow. Great reading on courage, the space program and flight. Dad, this one's all yours.
10:14:24 PM  comment []   
76 Trombones...

Growing up, I certainly had my fair share of television watching. But boy did I just love Robert Preston in The Music Man. He owned that role. He was the perfectly unbelieveable believable con-man. Not so, Matthew Broderick. He just can't play the con-man just like the ever slick Preston could. I just find him too...innocent. And that's not how the audience needs to see him. The audience needs to see right through him from the start. Ferris Bueller just can't pull it off.

Doesn't mean it's not a helluva lot of fun, though.
7:56:19 PM  comment []   


Summary: Heavy Snow until tonight 9pm. Snow after that until 3pm tomorrow.
3:09:24 PM  comment []   


For the record, it is snowing in DC. We've got roughly 12" on the ground right now. Yes, that's a whole foot. It's not supposed to stop snowing until, get this, Monday at noon. So we may have upwards of Two Feet of snow. Good Golly.

Dave and I made a foray out into the snow today, braving 16 degree weather and winds, to attempt some tobogganing. This was not our brightest hour. However, we did succeed in travelling a whole eight inches, between the two of us, despite our attempts at greater glory. The first run was rather, well, painful. I took a good running start, thrust the sled (okay, so it wasn't really a sled, it was actually the backing of my old entertainment center...) in front of me and hurled myself toward the ground.



The snow here is very fine and powdery, perfect for skiing. But instead of packing down nice and hard and creating a frictionless environment for travelling down hill on a piece of cardboard, it saw that I was coming and just nanoseconds before I was to careen into sledding glory, it decided that it needed to move. So there I lay, a scant inch from where I'd started. I got up, brushed the snow from my sweatshirt, uttered a few words that were not acceptable for anyone under the age of 17, and decided we needed a bigger hill.

Dave, my intrepid roommate, knew of one such hill. So we walked up Randolph Street, past St. Agnes church, the parking lot of which was rendered empty by the Bishop's dispensation this morning (shows what kinda catholics we got here!) and past the convent up 20th St. There was a much more steep hill. I insisted that Dave have the first go this time. Skeptically, he glanced at me as if I'd asked him to perform heart surgery on a dying woman needing a quintuple bypass, and handed me the camera. After all, if this was to be his fate, he damn well wanted it captured on silicon for future remembrance. Taking a quick leap, he was off. And got about four inches. Please note that this was a 400% increase over our previous attempts. We took this as a sign that we had the right idea.

So I picked up the remnants of the back of the entertainment center, held together with some Homeland Security Brand Duct Tape, and prepared myself for the greater glory of sledding. I made it eight inches. Eight. That's right, the snow on the ground is currently deeper in places than I actually travelled forward, in a straight line, down a hill.


Such is life.

Victorious, Dave and I have returned to the apartment doffed the now snow-covered jackets and shoes and have returned to our initial state, lounging on respective couches, gawking out the window at the ever-deepening snow and praying that we have enough food. And that if we don't, the Safeway down the street is open. Or that Papa John's will deliver.

We wait in hope that someday, there will be sledding snow in Arlington.
2:41:37 PM  comment []   

Apparently our media sucks.

Dan Hon's got an interesting article up. Apparently CNN felt it unnecessary to include 866 words from the Blix report on Friday. 866 words. That's a good chunk. That's a few pages of testimony. A decent report. Dan's article.

What we have here is a case of censorship. Either by the media or under the direction of the government. This is unacceptable. CNN must be taken to task for this. If they got their transcript from someone, then we need to know who. If they made it themselves, we need to know why there is missing testimony.

Give them your feedback
12:30:29 PM  comment []   

Some Sunday morning thoughts.

As the snow continues to fall here in Washington (6" and counting...) I've some links for you folks.

...Nader Trading declared legal. This is a very very interesting move. As a Nader-trader in 2000 (as I can't stand Bush, and couldn't stomach voting for Gore) I am glad to hear that this is something that can work in the future. For those that aren't clear on the concept, here's how it works. I live in Virginia, a very prominently Republican state. Therefore, it doesn't matter how I vote in the swing of things. My brother (at the time) lived in California. A swing state. So it matters how he votes. So suppose I want to vote for a partisan. Suppose he wants to vote for Nader. I vote for Nader (in VA, where it has no effect on the outcome) and he votes for Gore or Bush (where it does have an effect on the outcome). We've swapped votes. The two party system is the only loser here, and I'm just fine with that. I hope that the idiots in Washington begin to notice that their constituents are finding more ground in the center of the spectrum, than the right and left ultra-extremists.

...Google, whom we all know and love, have bought up Pyra Labs, makers of Blogger. This is Very interesting. But nothing that I could say here could add a different light to what's already being said by some very smart people. See Ben Hammersley and Doc Searls. Ben thinks we could finally get the Memex out of this. Me, I'm just glad to see Google buying up good technology. Now. What does this mean for users of Radio or MT and such? How is Google going to handle the business models of Blogger Pro and Blogger? What does this mean for weblog searching?
10:21:07 AM  comment []