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  Tuesday, February 18, 2003

Fearing Google?

Some people out there believe you should Fear Google but I'm not sure that's the case. Just because they hire spooks (who are information management pros) and set a cookie doesn't mean they want to catalog and barcode you. Not in the slightest.

Also, show me a server that DOESN'T track your IP address when you visit their site. They'll also figure out what happens when you leave.

This sounds like a bunch of people who tried to cheat google and lost and now are bitter about it. But it's good to think about.
9:49:36 PM  comment []   

Post Blizzard Thoughts

Having survived the Great Blizzard of Ought Three, I am back to work again tomorrow, after a four day weekend that I certainly wasn't expecting. I got a lot of laundry done, I attempted some sledding, I read a lot of stuff, both on paper and on digita. Overall, it was a nice mental health break when there could have been a lot of angst.

I know a few people who could use a good snow day. Might lower their blood pressure a little.

Indeed, it's nice to no longer be a prisoner in my own home. I did a lot of digging, a lot of thinking and a lot of sleeping.

I suppose there's lots to be said about snow. I just don't see it. It's cold, it's wet, it's white, well it was white, it's now shades of brown. Currently it's 36 degrees. 36. Day before yesterday it was 19. Like, 13 degrees below freezing. Who chooses to live like this? No thanks. DC may be nice, but San Fran is 54. Davis is 56. LA is 60.

The almond trees are blossoming at home. That's really what I want to see.
9:25:19 PM  comment []   

Some Tuesday Links.

...Apparently a fella named Brian Peat has started a Keynote collective at his website. Kickass. Welcome also the Keynote HQ. Gonna hve to check these out as I do more work in Keynote.

...Oh My God. Chris Pirillo has ceased with the coffee. And is growing a third nipple and wants to name it. Poor guy.

...My Boss has put some good photos of the snow at his place on the web.

...Steven's got a survey on what people have named their computers...

...Welcome to irrelevancy, france.. In other news, check out Mike's Pave France Cafe Press store.

...Frank Mocks Korea more.

...Wow. This one hurt to read. I was the geek in Jr. high. I managed to find my way out in High School a bit.

...Price of Liberty is Eternal Vigilance

This concludes these links.
10:15:15 AM  comment []   

Snow Day!

God Bless the OPM, they've given me the day off work. Dave and I were going to treat today like a lost day, up til I've been assigned to go into the office to retrieve and FedEx some supplies. Oh well. Work happens.
9:43:22 AM  comment []