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  Saturday, February 22, 2003

Just a quick thought...

Just a quick thought this afternoon before I go back to lying on the couch wanting to die, my sister's spot on when it comes the war:
But Meg, says the little voice in the back of my head, people are suffering all over the world. We tried to help them, and didn't do much good with that. Shouldn't we let them sort it all out on their own? Why do we feel that we have the power to go and fix governments when, let's face it, ours is more screwed up than a barrel full of crazed monkey weasles?

So what ARE the anti-war protesters actually suggesting we do with this situation? Just Saddam go on? Just stay out of it and when things get bad complain bitterly, break out the protest signs and do some more chanting? I don't know, I wish someone would tell me.

Peace is great and all, but somebody still has to wash the dishes.

She's really got it.

If not us, who? If not now, when?

It's not going to be the French, that's for sure. It's not going to be Africa, they lack a military. It's not going to be China or Russia, they have their own problems. It can only be us. The rest of the world can denounce us all they like, it's easy to do it. But we have, over history, demonstrated our utility to the world.
12:55:33 PM  comment []