My position on the baseball stadium referendum is evolving.
Don't get me wrong, now... I am still opposed to the construction of THIS stadium at THIS location and will not waiver because I think it is the WRONG kind of development in the WRONG place. But...
Even if the referendum is successful, a judge will probably have the final say on the subject to decide the "vesting" question. So it is possible that the stadium may get built regardless of the outcome of the referendum. If my vote possibly will not produce its intended outcome... why bother? Why not throw my hands up and "get with the program"?
Because perhaps... just perhaps... if the majority votes for the ordinance change, Greensboro's unelected policy makers will be put on notice that they made some serious miscalculations about how things should be done in the modern era. Hopefully, if the referendum is successful, the next time a group of well-intentioned individuals forwards an idea that they fervently believe is in the best interest of Greensboro, they will actually have to sell the idea to Greensboro's citizens and gain grassroots support before, not after, proceeding with the idea's implementation.
12:37:08 PM  