Mary Wehmeier's Radio Weblog


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  Monday, March 11, 2002

A picture named Tower1-9112002.jpg

Take a moment today to remember

Where you were. What you saw. Who we lost.
And never forget what you have witnessed.

On September 11th,  I lost several friends in The Broadcast Center on the 110th Floor of Tower One of the World Trade Center.

Rod Coppola, WNET-TV - Donald Di Franco, WABC-TV 
Steven Jacobson, WPIX-TV - Bob Pattison, WCBS-TV
Isaias Rivera, WCBS-TV - William Steckman, WNBC-TV

They died protecting America's airwaves and our right to a free media.

The Society of Broadcast Engineers has a Memorial Fund to directly assist the children and six families. Donate if you can.

* * * * * * *

A picture named 02_heroes.jpg

New Stamp: Heroes Honored by USPS in White House Unveiling

Today firefighters William Eisengrein, George Johnson and Daniel McWilliams and photographer Thomas E. Franklin of the Bergen County Record appeared with President Bush and Postmaster General John E. Potter to unveil the "Heroes of 2001" stamp at the White House.  The stamp features the now famous photograph of the flag being raised over "ground zero."

This stamp will be a 45 cent First Class letter - fundraising stamp  similar to the Breast Cancer stamp.  The proceeds from this stamp will go to a special fund at the Federal Emergency Management Agency. The stamp will be available this Spring.

6:24:53 AM    

Click here to visit the Radio UserLand website. © Copyright 2002 Mary Wehmeier.
Last update: 3/11/02; 6:25:12 AM.

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