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  Wednesday, March 27, 2002

Consumer Groups, Earthlink & Verizon File Suit Against the FCC The struggle to force US cable companies to open their networks to multiple Internet Service Providers is not over yet. Monday, 4 consumer groups-the Media Access Project, the Center for Digital Democracy, Consumers Union, and the Consumer Federation of America-together with ISP, Earthlink, and telecommunications provider, Verizon, filed suit in the US Court of Appeals in Washington, D.C. challenging the validity of the Federal Communications Commission's March 14th decision which reclassified high-speed data services over cable networks as "information services" (and, therefore, not subject to provisions in the 1996 Telecommunications Act designed to promote competition on the networks of "common carriers"). The lawsuit claims that cable operators are engaging in monopolistic practices which will limit growth and prevent the emergence of a diversity of voices as demanded by the telecommunications Act. Cable operators, of course, argue that they have invested billions of dollars to upgrade and maintain their networks and that this gives them the right to decide with which 3rd parties-if any-they do business. Meanwhile, although regional telephone companies are still required to open their broadband networks to competition, the FCC recently proposed that DSL service also be reclassified as an "information service"  SOURCE: Tracy Swedlow's - InteractiveTV Today

6:41:13 PM    

A picture named carp-sm.gif

The Library of Congress is telling the Public to BUTT-OUT on CARP

If you are a listener to internet radio and are not a party involved in the the CARP Hearings the Library of Congress (LOC) has news for youButt-out. We don't want to hear from you. Go Away. This means, you as a American citizen, does not have the Right to voice your opinions to the Chief Librarian of the Library of Congress about the CARP Proposal.

Here's my answer to the LOC: BULL SHIT!

I never knew the Nation's Library: The Library of Congress was a closed club. The behavior of the LOC in this matter tells me they are insulating themselves from the public's rage on this matter, in favor of the opinions of big moneyIt is high time we correct this situation and turn up the heat.

Start by contacting your U.S. Senators and Congressmen-- they are home on the Spring Break right now. Let them know how you feel. Tell them it is time for them investigate this matter-- and give them an earful.

Also write the Chief Librarian of the Library of Congress, no matter what they say. Then copy your representatives and organizations like Also contact the media with your original letters. For help there is a great site called that can help.

It's also time to start seriously supporting groups like and other groups like this.

And to hell with the LOC's not wanting us at the party-- it's gate crashing time.

6:45:59 PM    

Earthlink Co-Founder: Slatkin Agrees to Plead Guilty: Santa Barbara money manager Reed Slatkin, who built an illusory investment empire using money collected from Hollywood celebrities, Internet moguls and fellow Scientologists, agreed Tuesday to plead guilty to 15 counts of fraud, money laundering and conspiracy for masterminding one of the largest Ponzi schemes in history. (LA Times.)

EarthLink co-founder admits bilking millions from investors: He will plead guilty in a Ponzi scheme (San Diego Union Tribune)

6:36:19 PM    

Click here to visit the Radio UserLand website. © Copyright 2002 Mary Wehmeier.
Last update: 3/27/02; 6:36:38 PM.

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