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  Monday, January 06, 2003

I'm busy configuring my Sony Clie PEG-NX70V palm based PDA (I have got to come up with a name for this puppy). Things are humming along pretty well - fabulous fabulous screen and interface. I think I'm in love. However, as with any love, there are a few, shall we say, issues:

  • I am particularly excited by the MP3 player - it will be very nice to have a few tunes available for all those hours I spend in doctors' waiting rooms. However, what is not made clear is that a memory stick is required to download any MP3 files - even just one song. And of course, the Clie does not come with a memory stick. Harumph. I ordered my 128 MB stick today.
  • GCI, like 99% of the rest of the Corporate Universe, uses Microsoft Outlook as its e-mail client. So this afternoon, I devoted an hour configuring my Clie to sync up with Outlook e-mail. After all - my ancient Palm V downloaded my corporate e-mail, so there should be no sweat with the Clie. Au Contraire.

For some reason, I couldn't find any documentation on how to sync up with Outlook - other e-mail info was available, but not Outlook. After much digging I ended up on the Intellisync web site. As it turns out, there are technical issues with NX70V's, Intellisync and Outlook. Because I have a geeky nature, I was able to unearth that info. But what about un-geeks like the Ski Boy or Dr Wald. They wouldn't have had a prayer - why couldn't Sony and Intellisync been upfront about documenting this problem? It would have certainly been more customer friendly.

  • A positive - the graffiti entry screen is amazing- you can see the character as you're writing it. As a result my error rate is way less and I can write graffiti almost as fast as regular writing. I had thought I would switch to the Clie's Blackberry-like keyboard. But the graffiti entry screen is so slick that I'll probably use it instead of the keyboard.

8:18:47 PM    comment []

Peter and I just got in from a showing of Adrift at the Bear Tooth. Adrift is a documentary/memoir/reconciliation-with-self movie that is intense and moving. Best of all for me, much of it flashes back to the 60's and 70's when I was growing in Alaska - I'm just four years older than the filmmaker.

Growing up in Alaska, I always felt like a poor relative in comparison to the rest of the US. In the 60's and early 70's, Alaska was very different than it is now. Prior to the Pipeline, we were a much tougher and a way rattier group. And the kids were tough and ratty too. Whenever I would go Outside to Denver to visit my Dad in the summer, I always felt different - the other kids were typical suburbanites and there I was, a real fish out of water.

Adrift's Super 8 clips of the family kids in the 60's and 70's - it could have been me - 11 year old Maeve in a ski race at Alyeska, ice skating on lakes, Portage Glacier - what an intense blast from the past.

Adrift also shows how special Alaska is. Again when I was growing up, history lessons were oriented towards the US East Coast and Lewis and Clark. Alaska was never mentioned. All the nature books and stuff like Boy's Life focused on arrow heads and the Rockies. Alaska was so much more raw, sprawling, and really uncivilized. Again, I felt like we really weren't worth as much. We didn't have our own nostalgia. Well now we do. And Adrift is a wonderful example of that.

7:46:21 PM    comment []

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Last update: 3/5/2005; 8:28:25 PM.

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