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  Sunday, January 19, 2003

test post. ftp issues
8:53:01 PM    comment []

There was a very amusing moment at this afternoon's Emerson String Quartet concert.

First a little background: Anchorage classical music audiences are notorious for clapping between movements. The Concert Association has started educating audiences prior to each performance. At the curtain speech, the audience is reminded to wait until the end of each piece to clap.

Now here's where it starts to get funny. Today's curtain speech was given by Carol Butler. When she reached the point where she reminds the audience to wait to clap, she got a little flustered and told the audience to wait until the end of each movement to clap.

Oops - we all cried out Noooooooooo! She got even more flustered and from the stage looked out in the audience, spotted me, and said, Stephanie, when are we supposed to clap? I loudly answered, At the end of each piece.

But that's not the really funny part. At the end of the first movement of the first piece, the quartet paused. The PAC was seating late comers (a policy that I hate - late comers should be seated after the first piece is complete) and the quartet paused. All at once there was a tentative little clap and then silence. The quartet continued to stand. And then a little voice cried out, We like you. But they told us not to clap!

The entire audience gasps, but the violist saves the day by saying, We like you too. We're just waiting for the late comers to be seated. At that point, the audience howls with laughter.

It was too funny. It ranks right up there with the disappearing Colorado String Quartet.

8:46:40 PM    comment []

This afternoon's The Emerson String Quartet concert was one of the greatest performances I've ever attended. The quartet was incredible - gorgeous tone, technical perfection, and they were so tight - they played as one - more than one. What an experience.

At intermission I told Dr. Wilkins that the Emerson might be the best quartet I had ever heard. Dr. Wilkins stated that the Emerson is considered by those in the know to be the best string quartet in the world - and not just by a little bit. They are head and shoulders above everyone else. Well I can testify to that - I've heard all the great ones - the Julliard, the Guaneri, etc. The Emerson String Quartet is clearly beyond all of them.

8:28:16 PM    comment []

The Ski Boy and I are watching the Bucs-Eagles game. It is clear that the Super Bowl ads are starting early. In particular, the Nike Shox ad featuring a streaker on a soccer pitch is very funny. I think it's fake - although it looks very real. I did a Google on the ad and nothing popped up at all. It's my guess this is a brand new ad today.

Update 1/23/2003: And the ad is now available for download here

12:24:31 PM    comment []

My cold/flu thing is worse this morning. I now have a very nice sore throat.

The thing is is that I need to rally. The Emerson String Quartet - one of the greatest string quartets in the world - is performing this afternoon at the Alaska Center for the Performing Arts. And I had some input into the programming - I pushed very hard for one of the Shostakovich String Quartets, so they are going to perform Shostakovich's String Quartet #8. The Emerson String Quartet won a Grammy two years ago with an absolutely stunning recording of all the Shostakovich String Quartets.

So, lot's of laying about until 3:00 PM when I'll stagger off to the PAC.

11:23:39 AM    comment []

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Last update: 3/5/2005; 8:29:12 PM.

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