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Electronic Freedom Foundation



  Saturday, February 8, 2003

TW blog poll update

With 82 votes in, the TECHWR-L blog poll is running 20% yes I do, 17% no but maybe, and 63% no, no, no.

10:14:35 PM    Questions? Comments? Flames? []

You mean I missed it?

The bowling craze of the '90s, that is. That's me. Always catching the backside of the wave. No, it's true, I'm not an early adopter. But I'm not sure I really missed "extreme" bowling.

AMF, Bowling Giant, Is Said to Seek Buyer. AMF Bowling Worldwide, the world's largest bowling company, is planning to put itself up for sale. By Andrew Ross Sorkin. [New York Times: Business]

3:55:37 PM    Questions? Comments? Flames? []

Fear of blogging

MS Bloggers Are People, Too. Check out our growing collection of Weblogs penned by current and former Microsofties. [Microsoft Watch from Mary Jo Foley]

But now that they've been outed, the fear factor is setting in, as reported by Scoble.

3:47:52 PM    Questions? Comments? Flames? []

Content? Management? System?

In conversation with a high-level manager yesterday, we briefly discussed where we're going with single-sourcing our documentation and training materials. Apparently the goal is indeed single-sourcing, but the path and timeline are not at all clear. For one, the manager said, no one agrees on just what a content management system is, or what we expect of it--but maybe the one we're using (one of the big names) isn't it.

Which started me thinking about all the nebulous terminology in vogue today. "Content" means different things to different people (most obvious to me is the different perspectives of those writing and those buying/selling/distributing "content"). "Single-sourcing" seems to have as many meanings as there are books on the topic. And while the concept--as I understand it, no doubt poorly--seems attractive, the execution eludes me.  And I suspect that subjects such as "information architecture" and "content management system" mean very different things when you're running a Web site than when you're publishing software documentation. But I could be wrong, so I'd like to hear from others who are closer to the question than I am.

Speaking of which:

The Problems with CMS. There's plenty of criticism of content management systems (CMS). Discovering what bothers us most can help us start to address these problems constructively. We conducted a survey to identify the biggest obstacles to effective content management systems. View the results. [ia/ - information architecture news]

3:40:56 PM    Questions? Comments? Flames? []

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