New Scientist: Designed for life. Q&A with Donald Norman. But in fact emotions came first precisely because they are all about survival. Modern computers are pretty autonomous and run 24/7, performing a lot of tasks. With machines this powerful, survival is important, so putting emotions in the machine makes a lot of sense. [Tomalak's Realm]
Don Norman's latest interest is in bringing emotion to computing, or more accurately, to design and HCI. He had a piece on the topic in the July/August 2002 issue of Interactions, the magazine of SIGCHI. And he's speaking at the closing plenary of CHI in April.
What I find interesting in this interview is the last paragraph, in which Norman says the same things about security that Kevin Mitnick discusses in his book, The Art of Deception: the weak link in any security system is the human. They both refer to "social engineering."
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