Monday, February 10, 2003
"Imagination is the only weapon in the war against reality."
Jules de Gautier, quoted by Bob Lewis in the 2/10/03 issue of InfoWorld.
8:31:23 PM
Another perspective on the copyright wars
Publishers Give Classics a Makeover. The stiffest competition in the book business may be among the many publishers staking claims to Dickens, Austen, Herodotus and Plato. By Bill Goldstein. [New York Times: Books]
And just why are the classics such a lucrative market? Because they're in the public domain! No royalties due to authors or corporations! Which the article doesn't mention until the third-from-last paragraph--finally noting that older works that still sell well should be in the public domain, but aren't due to Disney's purchase of Congress.
10:52:17 AM
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