Sunday, March 06, 2005

NYT's Monica Davey on the BTK murderer: "Dennis L. Rader took his job upholding the most mundane city laws with unusual earnestness...he seemed to have stayed meticulously and constantly within the strictest mores of society - more so, at times, than many other residents."

8:39:22 PM    comment []

NYT's Jeff Leeds on the sad story of Axl Rose and "The Most Expensive Album Never Made."

"Mr. Rose began work on the album in 1994, recording in fits and starts with an ever-changing roster of musicians, marching through at least three recording studios, four producers and a decade of music business turmoil...Along the way, he has racked up more than $13 million in production costs..."

8:35:09 PM    comment []

OutDaBox on blacks in America: "The jews in the north through the NAACP and other organizations promised us good jobs and more humane treatment in the northern industrial cities...the whole affair was a farce...We own less now than in the early 1900's."

Um, really? Do the Greensboro bloggers who have been promoting this blog want to weigh in?

What is the relationship between "Ridgely Banks," as the blog's author is referred to here (3/3; permalink not working) and here, and the Dr. Ridgely Abdul Mu'min Muhammad linked at OutDaBox?

11:08:18 AM    comment []

Greensboro has a high gay index, meaning that we are above the national average for the percentage of people living in same-sex partnerships. High Point, not.

9:43:05 AM    comment []

Paul Jones finds an old list of the 8 Wonders of North Carolina, and provides links to pictures of them all.

9:36:04 AM    comment []

Patrick Eakes calmly explains why the recent David Brooks column about the badness of his-and-hers checking accounts misses the point.

9:34:22 AM    comment []

Nate DeGraff reports that Milton Kern would like to see the ACC Hall of Fame in downtown Greensboro instead of by the Coliseum.

I was an early advocate of putting the HoF at S. Elm and Lee, one of the sites favored by Kern, and I still think it would be a fine idea...but I'm easy, just as long as it goes up in GSO. Anybody got that $23 million yet?

9:28:37 AM    comment []

The Soviets called their party newspaper Pravda -- "Truth." Americans used to laugh at that kind of phony journalism. But more and more, the joke is on us.

My newspaper column is about "a media strategy built not just on spinning a message, but on co-opting the mechanisms of message delivery." Guckert/Gannon, Armstrong Williams, the "news" network at GOP county sites, the phony TV reporters deployed to push Bush policy...yeah, the Republicans have an early lead, but "I expect both political parties will continue down the Pravda path with increasing sophistication."

Read the whole thing.

More here on the GOPUSA network.

9:17:45 AM    comment []