Thursday, March 10, 2005

Day trip to NY for the monthly story meeting. Talk amongst yourselves.

7:00:05 AM    comment []

Per yesterday's musing on how we remember our pasts...the official answer in Greensboro seems to be "carefully." This historical marker is sited by the state* according to proximity to the place where the events occurred, but the two Confederate memorials (to the dead of Guilford County and to the Army of Tennessee, which Johnston surrendered to Sherman hereabouts) are hidden away in a hard to find (or at least hard to notice when you are in a car, as most bypassers are) downtown location...


*corrected; I originally said these markers were placed by the feds, but an alert reader set me straight. I was confused perhaps because Virginia's markers look so similar.

6:59:23 AM    comment []

Five years ago today the NASDAQ peaked. As an erstwhile bubble asset myself, overemployed and overcompensated and overstimulated for a few hot years, I miss some things about those days.

Remember thinking that the correction was just a correction and the boom would reignite? Sucker.

6:54:01 AM    comment []

Hal Crowther: "Dough-faced nation." Starts with Whitman, on thru Bush, Britney, Stern, Trump...ah, just go read it.

"A doughface lives in a dream of the present where neither past nor future casts a shadow, where everything that is seems familiar and suitable, as if it were meant to be. He's a Sleeping Ugly who's almost impossible to wake, with a kiss or a kick in the pants."

6:51:09 AM    comment []