Apple made several interesting announcements yesterday. Many who read this list will be interested in the aquafied X11 - very very nice so far and a very good reason for technical types to use OS X.
Mac users who want to be Microsoft free can try Keynote . There are some reasonable Word and Excel replacements, but Powerpoint has been a sticky issue. I don't have any experience with it, but wouldn't be surprised if it produces seriously more elegant presentations than the Microsoft product.
Also new is a new OS X browser to play with -- I really love Chimera at this point and Safari lacks several features, but it is clearly one to follow. It is somewhat surprising that Apple's browser isn't Gecko based, but is closer to KDE Konqueror. curious...
It is amazing how clunky Explorer feels and looks compared to Chimera.
Finally Final Cut Express -- something between iMovie and Final Cut Pro that may turn out to be a great creative tool for camcorder owners. Final Cut Pro is production quality, but is very expensive and iMovie is a bit too much on the amateur side. This one is on my list.
I was expecting more in the way of new hardware from Apple (although the new Powerbooks look interesting), but some of the software looks interesting.
6:02:52 AM