Tuesday, January 21, 2003
The Sundance Festival online features LOR. (I'm putting in his page rather than the Sundance festival as the later is offering only low quality WMP versions)
Andy Murdock, creator of this piece, has invested two years to date - impressive as he describes his studio as three computers, a rack of synthesizers, an aquarium and a cat.
3:30:08 PM
I'm going to guess that Michelangelo would be a big Bush supporter if he was alive today.
8:24:17 AM
One has to wonder if the press would have covered the weekend's antiwar protests if they occured a few months ago during the period when questioning the administration was considered unpatriotic.
It was amazing seeing many of the media outlets take whatever the white house offered with little question. Twenty years ago news organizations were just that . news organizations. Today most of them are part of a ratings based infotainment system. If the president's popularity continues to fall this scrubbed version of the news could come to haunt him.
Many have pointed out that most of the organization of the current peace movement has occured on the Internet. This isn't terribly surprising with the conservative bias of most TV media (particularly cable news). The movement shifted from radical left to mainstream in an astonishingly short amount of time.
7:04:24 AM
A heavier than air flying machine is an great example of an important patent. Of course there are lesser patents. This one is for a self powered kicking machine and is my current favorite for a really stupid invention. Be sure and check the images on the bottom of the page.
6:12:55 AM
I've seen corporate nepotism, but politicians have perfected the art to a higher degree.
One of those core values that leads to bipartisan agreement.
from the article:
Perhaps the election of the son of a former president inspired the shift toward a more aristocratic system of government. It could be worse. In the year 40, the Emperor Caligula appointed his favorite horse, Incitatus, to the Roman Senate. Incitatus proved to be lacking in the temperament or tact for public service. Of course, Incitatus had one positive characteristic: He was a gelding who could neither produce nor appoint offspring.
6:12:02 AM