Tuesday, January 14, 2003
It appears that a deal has been struck between some content holders and many technical firms.
It is still to early to tell what this will mean, but it appears to be a trade -- no lock-down devices in return for no expansion of consumer rights.
Note that the motion picture folks - who really want lockdown capabilities, are not party to this.
And Transmeta has given us a good reason to steer away from products that use their processor...
1:23:25 PM
In the new Bushworld only loosers will pay taxes...
If this comes to pass and if the lot of the average citizen doesn't improve over the next few years, it will be interesting to see if the support of the religious right will continue. Is the elimination of Roe v Wade and other anti-women issues along with a new string of very conservative judges and breaking the walls between state and religion ... er .. the right religion, sufficent to keep them motived? After all - most of these people are of modest means.
9:11:54 AM
The Science section of the NY Times features an article on the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider at BNL. Very interesting physics is being done there - perhaps much more interesting than what the ill-fated ISABelle project that was terminated on the same site two decades ago.
The BNL website has a slightly more detailed discussion for laymen as well as links to real papers (check out the collaboration pages) for those of you with scientific backgrounds.
8:38:32 AM
Tom asked about shortwave stations on the Internet. Many of the larger stations offer streaming audio (BBC for example), but a few people allow users to control their shortwave radios - one that has been around for some time is N2JEU's Icom IC-R75. The popularity of this type of site is low enough that you can generally listen to lengthy programs without interruption.
6:39:28 AM
Perhaps it is time to get back into amateur radio ... 802.11 ARRL - Hinternet
6:39:15 AM
A very cool feature of Safari in OS X is how it handles fonts. Check out the BBC News Service Site and select some interesting languages - Vietnamese, Perisan, Korean, etc...
6:39:00 AM
The political fights associated with access are likely to continue for some time. An interesting article on the current (very ugly) state of affairs appeared in ISP-Planet. I have my own biases, but I'm not in the camp of Powell and the regional phone companies.
6:38:27 AM