The Crandall Surf Report 2.0
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Friday, January 10, 2003

More woes for webcasters, although I would claim that loss of Clear Channel stations probably isn't a bad thing (at least artistically).
9:04:58 AM    

Does the recording industry owe you money? Check and see if you quality for the class action settlement.

I wonder how many people will actually file a claim... This seems like a slap on the wrist for blatant price fixing.
6:03:55 AM    

More Ariana Huffington on gas guzzlers and public policy.

While I agree with her on this sort of thing, the example given for tax credits on a Ford Excursion seem suspect.
5:56:37 AM    

I broke down and bought Keynote at the local Apple Store yesterday. I haven't been playing with it that long, but I note that Power Point seems byzantine, klunky and ugly in comparison. In a week I'll give a longer report, but this appears to be a very impressive piece of software.

The casual viewer will instantly know that this is a league beyond the visual experience of most ppt shows - ppt graphics appear to be done by amateurs by comparison. It probably isn't important to Microsoft as they have never had an appreciation for the visual space.

I would love to see what these folks could do with a word processor. My hopes are that Nisus for OS X (rumored to be nearing completion) will read and write .doc format. Nisus was my absolute favorite word processor and I anxiously await the OS X version. If you need to be completely Microsoft free there is Open Office, but I am confident that we will have something much more elegant than that (or Office) after having seeing Keynote.
5:55:45 AM    

A thought provoking note on ZapMail was recently referenced on Slashdot.

There is clearly a moral in there, although I don't believe the current incarnation of WiFi will be the disrupter (although I do believe that the next generation -- in particular ultra wideband) has the potential to be the stake in the heart of conventional telecom.
5:55:00 AM    

And for the frustrated musician there is Looplabs a fun bit of fluff. It isn't exactly my taste in music, but it is a neat idea.
5:54:26 AM    

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