Days Come and Days Go : A weblog of reflections and thoughts, as Days Come and Days Go
Updated: 6/1/2003; 8:39:07 PM.


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Wednesday, May 14, 2003

Illuminated Visions 

 Have you ever wondered about benign situations when all of the sudden, you see things oh so clearly? You did not anticipate any such epiphany, going about your daily routine...when suddenly some great spark of knowledge practically slaps you upside the head and seems to say..."here's the answer". There have been several such times in my life when this has happened and I have attempted to learn the lessons offered.Shining_Upon_Us  Of course, these moments can never be planned for and many times they occur in the oddest of places. Perhaps its simply your subconscious trying to push you in the correct direction or maybe its just the pull of the moon and tides. Whatever it is, it can have a enormous impact upon us and often becomes a life altering point on our "compass of life". Like the sun that shines upon a dark and dreary place, illuminating the world before us, perhaps we should seek that light and follow the direction which appears to light the way.

Today's Quote:

Were you the earth, dear Love, and I the skies, My love should shine on you like to the Sun, And look upon you with ten thousand eyes, Till heaven wax’d blind, and till the world were done. Whereso’er I am,—below, or else above you— Whereso’er you are, my heart shall truly love you.-Joshua Sylvester

4:06:43 PM    your thoughts? []

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