Days Come and Days Go : A weblog of reflections and thoughts, as Days Come and Days Go
Updated: 6/1/2003; 8:39:10 PM.


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Sunday, May 25, 2003

Tempestuous Tide 

 What is it about the beach that continously draws one to it's tideline terminus? I suppose for me it is the feeling of familiarity and reflections of harmonious time spent in it's surroundings. The sound of the waves as they pitch and roll, the gulls overhead sailing effortlessly, the scent of salty water upon the breeze and the people surfing, jogging or merely relaxing upon the sugar fine sand.Bliss_On_The_Bluff  And it was there, in my solace state, that I ruminated upon the reasons why some find themselves riding a wave crest of emotions. Maybe it's because they find themselves in relationships which were once wonderful, but now... highly uncompatible. Or maybe they have just "grown apart", each seeking a different heading, each feeling a pull, like the tide, in opposite directions. In any case, blame should not be imposed upon either individual, any moreso than one could lay blame to the sea for sending it's wave to meet a distant shore. Perhaps we should simply understand the fact that like the sea, life is constantly changing. It rises and falls. People change too. You cannot unloose a boat and not expect that it will sail with the tide.

Today's Quote:

I must down to the seas again for the call of the running tide Is a wild call and a clear call that may not be denied.-John Masefield

5:04:24 PM    your thoughts? []

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