Last updated: 21/04/2006; 9:29:34 PM.
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Day level permalink May 2, 2002

The webserver that normally hosts MyFreePress was down this morning.  Knowing that I could expect a lot of hits from my CJOB Radio spot this morning, I quickly set up a web site on my ISPs site (free natch) and set up the FTP option for the weblog software.  Now the software was sending to the new site.  I use to do my DNS, and they have a really great feature called WebForward.  Once I set to webforward to the site, it was live immediately.  Basically I was up and publishing through the outage.

I was one of the few weblogs that were updating and fresh, so I received a lot more hits than usual.  For a short time I was in the top 10 of the rankings for the first time ever. Very cool.   Once the host site was back and accepting updates, I switched back, without missing a beat. 

As the hosting company is still having problems, I will probably keep both sites active.

2:54:33 PM  Item-level permalink    

Lessons Learned at Dot-Com U.. In the rush to turn online education into a business, the roof caved in. From the ruins, some try to rebuild. [New York Times: Technology]
11:32:35 AM  Item-level permalink    

Survey: Klez worm tops SirCam, Nimda - Yahoo! Headlines - 

The latest fast-spreading versions of the Klez worm have so far infected more than 7 percent of PCs worldwide, surpassing totals chalked up by previous threats such as SirCam and Nimda, according to a new survey by an antivirus company.

Also: Worms--who's the deadliest of them all? ZDNET

W32.Klez.gen @mm is a mass-mailing worm that will send itself to all email addresses in the Microsoft Outlook Address Book. The worm may include a virus that will destroy all files on the 13th of March and September. W32.Klez.E @mm, W32.Klez.H @mm, W32.ElKern.3587, and W32.ElKern.4926. If your computer is detected as infected with W32.Klez.gen @mm, download and run the tool. In most case, the tool will be able to remove the infection. Click here to obtain the tool.

7:00:29 AM  Item-level permalink    

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