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Day level permalink May 26, 2002

Image of water on Mars
Ice shows up blue on the gamma-ray spectrometer
Water-ice has been found in vast quantities just below the surface across great swathes of the planet Mars. The finding by the American space agency (Nasa) is undoubtedly one of the most important made about the Red Planet. It solves one of its deepest mysteries, points the way for manned exploration and reignites the question of whether life may exist on the planet. [BBC]

8:48:56 PM  Item-level permalink    

As Promised, Microsoft to Offer Concealable Icons. An update to the Windows XP operating system will lets users hide the computer screen icons of some Microsoft programs. By Amy Harmon. [Headlines From The NY Times]
8:39:18 PM  Item-level permalink    

A Dating Business's Key Is Volume, Volume. The chief executive of Lavalife, an online and telephone matchmaking service, shared some insights into the digital hunt for a partner. By Susan Stellin. [Headlines From The NY Times]
8:38:20 PM  Item-level permalink    

Allegations Along the Watchtower. Did the Jehovah's Witnesses excommunicate members over a controversial website? Are websites such as fueling the current sexual abuse controversy surrounding churches? By Elisa Batista. [Wired News]
8:37:18 PM  Item-level permalink    

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