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Day level permalink May 20, 2002

Google doodles with Dilbert. The search engine is showcasing its latest "doodle" this week by featuring Dilbert, his pinecone-haired boss and his wacky co-workers on the Google home page. [CNET]
8:36:12 PM  Item-level permalink    

NY Times: Microsoft's $1 Billion Bet on Xbox Network. It is a bet as ambitious as it is expensive. When Microsoft opens the electronic doors for its service this summer, the Internet technology in its three data centers in London, Seattle and Tokyo will have more capacity than its own, which itself is one of the world's largest Web sites. [Tomalak's Realm]
8:29:18 PM  Item-level permalink    

F.B.I. Says Suicide Bombers Likely in U.S.. Walk-in suicide bombers like those who have attacked Israel will hit the United States eventually, F.B.I. Director Robert Mueller said today. By The Associated Press. [Headlines From The NY Times]
8:27:37 PM  Item-level permalink    

"Enron made me bare it all," said Mark Zebrowitz, who worked as a production manger
for Enron Oil & Gas in India. He left nothing undisclosed when they went before Playgirl's cameras during a day-long photo shoot.    [ CNN ]
4:52:13 PM  Item-level permalink    

A NEW drug was hailed as  the biggest breakthrough in the fight against breast cancer in nearly 30 years.  Arimidex has already been proved to be more effective in preventing tumours from recurring than tamoxifen - the "gold standard" of modern therapy.  Now data has shown it is safer and has fewer dangerous side effects.

By Jill Palmer Medical Correspondent at

4:46:59 PM  Item-level permalink    

EU deal on Palestinian militants. European Union countries reach an agreement on the distribution of 13 exiled Palestinian militants. [BBC News: world]
4:42:26 PM  Item-level permalink    

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