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Day level permalink May 6, 2002

Playing games with free speech. This is a subject close to my heart:  A federal judge says computer games don't deserve First Amendment protection. His decision is wrong, stupid and dangerous. []
10:04:46 PM  Item-level permalink    

Very witty USS Clueless :

( Sports Illustrated ): "War Emblem" has won this year's Kentucky Derby. Is that an omen?

And "Proud Citizen" came in second. Hmmm...

On the other hand, "War Emblem" belongs to Prince Ahmed bin Salman. That's the trouble with omens: they're always so ambiguous.

1:38:15 PM  Item-level permalink    

Israel Says Documents Prove Arafat Involved in Terrorism; Palestinian Officials Dismiss Them As Forgeries.

The Palestinian Authority also used funds from donor states to pay the salaries of hundreds of militants, a sum (Israeli Cabinet Minister Dan) Naveh described as "tens of millions of dollars." Among the donors, Naveh specifically mentioned the sum of $9 million a month from the European Union to the Palestinian Authority which was "used indirectly to finance terrorist acts."

Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat, center, holds hands with Cardinal Roger Etchegaray, left, president of the Vatican peace and justice council, and an unidentified sheik, right, Thursday, May 2 in front of Arafat's compound in Ramallah in the West Bank. Etchegaray was sent by the Pope John Paul II to the region to find a solution to the crisis at the Church of Nativity in Bethlehem. 

 AP Photo/Palestinian Authority/Hussein Hussein
Now if you believe this, and the evidence is starting to really pile up, make it fit with this AP photo of French Cardinal Roger Etchegaray, sent by the Pope to do anything, and hold hands with anyone as long as he saves a building.

From USS Clueless:

"I always thought that the Church was supposed to stand for principles, morality, right and wrong, stuff like that. Recently they seem to be exposed as possibly the most cynically utilitarian organization on earth."

12:00:14 PM  Item-level permalink    

Northeast Florida man attracted millions from investors who now say they were scammed. Sure there is a sucker born every minute, but this story seems to suggest they are really rich too!
10:38:42 AM  Item-level permalink    

Dear Reader: "If you are reading this column in the newspaper, but did not read every article and look at every advertisement in previous sections, stop now. You must go back and look at all of that material before continuing with this column."

The NY Times picks up the Dallas Morning News deep linking story. And they found a weblog angle, noting that Belo, the owner of the DMN also owns the Providence Journal, where Shelia Lennon runs a weblog.  Weblogs do a lot of deep linking.

8:43:22 AM  Item-level permalink    

Code Red still threatens Net. Researchers worry that computers infected by the Code Red worm, which continues to slowly spread, could be used as a ready army for a cyberattack. [CNET]
8:35:33 AM  Item-level permalink    

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