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Day level permalink May 16, 2002

Boston College Leader Says Church Erred on Abuses

The president of Boston College, Boston's most prestigious institution of Roman Catholic education, said today that the Catholic hierarchy had "badly mishandled" the cases of sexually abusive priests and that he felt betrayed by how the church had kept the problem a secret while letting the priests continue working in parishes.

"I say let's respond as best we can to the victims and their families. Let's seek forgiveness. Let's put in systems to make sure this never happens again. Let's respond also to those who are asking: `What's my role in the church? How do I hand on the faith that I have cherished all my life?' "

This is a lot better than what we are hear from Adam Carninal "blame the homosexuals"  Maida of Detroit.  All I would like to hear now is offical policy to turn the offenders over to the police for investigation.  Maybe that is part of making sure this never happends again.

12:50:19 PM  Item-level permalink    

LA Cardinal Apologizes for Transfer. LOS ANGELES (AP) -- Cardinal Roger Mahony has apologized for transferring a Roman Catholic priest from church to church despite an alleged confession from the man that he had molested children for years. By The Associated Press. [Headlines From The NY Times]
9:15:25 AM  Item-level permalink    

Jordan jails outspoken dissident. Jordan's first woman MP is sentenced to 18 months in jail after accusing the prime minister of corruption.  Arrested for sending a letter to King Abdullah, accusing Prime Minister Ali Abu Ragheb of corruption.  The verdict of guilty cannot be appealed, and she was left without her lawyers when they withdrew from the case saying the judges' rulings had made it impossible for them to work. 

Is this the kind of government that the independant Palestine state might adopt? 

[BBC News: world

9:11:05 AM  Item-level permalink    

Truck Full of Cyanide is Stolen in Mexico. A truck carrying 10 tons of deadly sodium cyanide has been stolen in central Mexico, and officials said Wednesday that they believed the thieves sought only the truck. [Headlines From The NY Times]

I just hope they don't dump the part they didn't want (the cyanide) anywhere that it could get into the water system....

8:11:35 AM  Item-level permalink    

Kazaa finds friends in file-swapping fight. Computer and telecommunication giants are pushing a proposal shouldered until now by file-swapping upstarts: Make downloading a song online as legal as listening to the radio. [CNET]
7:34:57 AM  Item-level permalink    

"Deceptive Duo" suspects hit in FBI raid. The bureau issues search warrants against two former hackers it believes to be members of a group responsible for defacing U.S. government sites. [CNET]  Once again the hacker try and make us believe they thought they were helping by showing the vulnerabilities of the system.  They will make the point that the sites they defaced are more secure now, and it is true.  I wonder if they have a really great security system for their house.   Perhaps someone should break in and take all their stuff.  Just to let them know it can be done.
6:58:41 AM  Item-level permalink    

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