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Day level permalink May 8, 2002

I totally believe that Rush Limbaugh Is a Big Fat Idiot, however he is witty from time to time, and I have to give him credit for this:

"We have a solution to this Midwest pipe bomber problem. We need to immediately begin negotiations with him, and offer him Nebraska.   Land for peace."  - Rush Limbaugh

12:02:36 PM  Item-level permalink    

Osama's bin Bloggin :
Well, it was bound to happen. Israel pulled back from the occupied terror-tories, again. They let Arafat go, again. And there was a suicide bombing, again. Is anyone really surprised at this? . . . There is a "piece process," alright. We're taking Israel apart piece by piece, with the complicity-by-complacency of the EU, and the waffling of the Americans.

11:46:56 AM  Item-level permalink    

Chandra Clark:

There was a joke that was popular a few years ago when Bill Gates made it big, and it went something like this:
Q: What do you call that geek from your high school class after graduation?
A: Boss.
That’s a funny line and it probably makes high school much easier to bear for a lot of geeks. However, I’m here today to tell you that it is only true for three out of every 10 geeks. For the other seven, the joke should be:
Q: What do you call that geek from your high school class after graduation?
A: That @#$^%&! person in tech support.

11:37:00 AM  Item-level permalink    

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