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Day level permalink May 7, 2002

The brutal Afghan winter hits Jenin
"The Israeli government's latest figures for Jenin put the death toll of Palestinians at 52. The Palestinians themselves put the death toll at -- wait for it -- 56."
The Israelies and supporters have been telling the world that the Jenin stories have been pure fiction all along.  Now what?  An apology? 

12:30:39 PM  Item-level permalink    

Woman arranges theft of computer to keep husband from Internet porn

FREDERICTON (CP) - A woman arranged the theft of her computer in a faked home invasion in a misguided attempt to stem her boyfriend's thirst for Internet porn.  Erin Stairs, 19, was given a suspended sentence and probation when she appeared in provincial court Monday.  [ ]  Imagine what she will do when she finds out what is going on in the public libraries!

11:31:06 AM  Item-level permalink    

The Klez worm just keeps on giving.

The persistent pest, which made a strong comeback last month in the form of the Klez.h variant, is now helping revive the Chernobyl virus, according to a new report from antivirus company Symantec. [ CNET ]

10:10:18 AM  Item-level permalink does a story about weblogs of the personal lives of the starsMegan Morrone asked for the links in her weblog, in order to help find these weblogs.  That alone is kinda neat. 

The list has a few surprises, and does include Adam Curry's site.  I am sorry to report, Dave didn't make the list.

7:38:46 AM  Item-level permalink    

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