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Day level permalink May 14, 2002

A Sour Note for Mac Users. New copy protection technology designed to prevent the pirating of music CDs is doing that, all right. It's also causing Apple computers to crash even if they are NOT being used for pirating.  Making a lot of people very upset. By Andy Patrizio. [Wired News]
4:10:02 PM  Item-level permalink    

Raymond J. de Souza, in the National Post talks about how the occupation of the Church of the Nativity should be seen by all Christians. He asks: "Where is the outrage when a church is desecrated?"

It needs to be said. The occupation of the Church of the Nativity by armed Palestinian terrorists was a gravely anti-Christian act. Much has been made of how the basilica was filthy but not seriously damaged. To speak only of what happens to a church physically is to miss the point. One of Christianity's holiest shrines was profaned by armed terrorists. It is blasphemy to use the house of God as a military refuge. For more than a month, the faithful were denied access to the basilica to pray while the gunmen used its status as a house of prayer as a tactical advantage.

Interesting fact: Raymond J. de Souza is to be ordained a Catholic priest in July.

3:10:33 PM  Item-level permalink    

Another Run to a Deep-Link Suit. A prominent publishing house demands a specialty site drop a link to a print-version of an article on an ad-less page within its website. Declan McCullagh reports from Washington. [Wired News]
2:13:22 PM  Item-level permalink    

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