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Day level permalink May 29, 2002

Are "anti-gang" dress codes in malls a way to deter crime, or just another way to prosecute patrons for shopping while black? []

"one doesn't have to be a gang member to be evicted under anti-gang ordinances; one merely has to dress in a way that makes one look like a gang member, as defined by the mall in question. "  A job for the fashion police?

6:54:11 PM  Item-level permalink    

Alberta's high-risk offenders on the web

Canada's province of Alberta has taken the bold step of publishing pictures and information about high-risk sexual offenders on the Internet.  There is a nice explaination about how it was determined that these guys should be posted this way.  There is also some disclaimers about how the information contained herein should not be used to "injure, harass, or commit a criminal act against any person named in the web site".  These are really bad people, and they clearly pose a serious risk to the community.  The actual site is here.

6:38:10 PM  Item-level permalink    

United Press International reports that Salah Shehadeh, a leader of Hamas, told a Jordanian weekly, in UPI's words, "that suicide attacks against Israel would continue, despite stepped up efforts to stop them by Arab countries and the Palestinian Authority." Shehadeh also paid a perverse tribute to ethnic diversity, telling the Jordanian publication it's a "blessing" that "the Jews are from every race, color and breed" because it makes it easier for suicide terrorists to blend in with their victims and kill them.  [ ]
4:36:31 PM  Item-level permalink    

Israeli security specialists say US system looks for the weapons while Israeli system looks for the terrorist. The Christian Science Monitor  has the story here.
3:44:03 PM  Item-level permalink    

Online pharmacy fined $88 million

An 8-month-long investigation showed that Total Remedy and Prescription Center II filled more than 3,500 prescriptions over the Web that were written by doctors not licensed to practice medicine in California.  I am kinda hoping these are the guys that keep sending me Viagra SPAM, but I don't think I can be that lucky.

3:20:34 PM  Item-level permalink    

Recorded Conversations Reveal Predictions of Attacks. Conversations between a Muslim cleric and the leader of a Milan mosque reveal predictions of Sept. 11, according to a newspaper report. By The Associated Press. [Headlines From The NY Times]
2:00:06 PM  Item-level permalink    

Radio station sued after listeners tattoo logo on their foreheads

From Aranova: "Two men are suing a US radio station for not giving them money when they tattooed its logo on their foreheads.   Richard Goddard Jr and David Winkleman are seeking damages for breach of contract, fraud and negligence."

Tom Wolfe said after he wrote Bonfire of the Vanities that it was getting to the point where it was too hard to write fiction.  Real life long ago overtook fiction in the its-too-weird-to-be-true department.  This news flash is a testament to Wolfe's observation.

[Ernie the Attorney]
1:53:50 PM  Item-level permalink    

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