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Day level permalink May 24, 2002

Who would have thought you'd live long enough to see this. Hearings by Canadian parliamentarians into legalizing marijuana. And even more amazing is whose running the hearings.

Senators, whose average age has tended to those 55 plus. But this week in Regina they kicked off a series of meetings aimed at looking at whether it's time to take smoking pot off the list of crimes in Canada. And framing these discussions is a little-noticed report they've just issued reaching some startling conclusions.

An interesting link

9:28:40 PM  Item-level permalink    

Audiogalaxy in RIAA crosshairs. The recording industry's trade group files a lawsuit against the music download site, charging that its efforts to filter access to copyrighted songs have been ineffective. [CNET]
8:34:09 PM  Item-level permalink    

What it feels like to be hit by a suicide bomber.....and survive it.

From Middle East Realities:

Lately, I've noticed that the phrase "Another suicide bomber has rocked Israel" has less of an effect on me as it did in the past....and that bothers me. I received this letter which describes the fate of suicide bombing survivors and what they go through when they (sometimes unfortunately) survive the attack. Perhaps this will help shake us all back into a frame of mind where we cringe at suicide bombings as much as we did when this lunacy began.

9:02:57 AM  Item-level permalink    

Klez: Hi Mom, We're No. 1. It's neither clever nor original, yet the latest variation of the Klez e-mail virus has now been declared the biggest and baddest worm in history. By Michelle Delio. [Wired News]

You will find the free removal tool for this nasty here.  What is number two asks Ernie?  Probably Nimbda.

8:40:02 AM  Item-level permalink    

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