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Day level permalink May 28, 2002

On May 7, we saw a blatant example of anti semitism on college campuses, courtesy of the near-riot at SFSU.  While a pro-Palestinian crowd swarmed pro-Israel rally members, used physical violence, and shouted "Get out or we will kill you" and "Hitler did not finish the job," administration officials on the scene did little to stop it.

Since the start of the year, there have been 50 documented cases of anti-Semitic acts in and around the Bay Area. That is more than three times as many as in all of 2001, according to Jonathan Bernstein of the Anti-Defamation League.

SF State hate crimes sent to DA    San Francisco Chronicle destructive number of pro-Palestinian demonstrators, many of whom were not SFSU students, abandoned themselves to intimidating behavior and statements too hate-filled to repeat.
Also: DA is asked to prosecute 3 for hate crimes  San Francisco Chronicle


MyFreePress can only comment on one or two facets of the travesty at SFSU. Other dimensions of this incident and the alarming trends it represents are detailed in the full SFSU Blog Burst Index at Winds of Change.

10:23:06 PM  Item-level permalink    

Libya offers $2.7 billion Lockerbie settlement

 A compensation deal for the families of the 270 victims of Pan Am Flight 103, which exploded over Lockerbie, Scotland in 1988, could be near. Libya is offering the families $2.7 billion in compensation, a law firm representing the 118 families said Tuesday. If the deal is accepted, that would mean each family would get $10 million. [ CTV News ]

9:49:07 PM  Item-level permalink    

I reported and made a little fun of a report out of Ontario that a "foreign terrorist" sleeper cell had been run out of town.  Well today the head of Canada's intelligence agency says no "sleeper cells" of al Qaeda terrorists have been detected in Canada. 

Ward Elcock, director of the Canadian Security Intelligence Service, told a Parliament subcommittee Monday that he was unaware so far of any al Qaeda operatives living clandestinely in Canada while preparing for an attack.  OK, I feel much better now.

7:34:54 PM  Item-level permalink    

Muhammad Omar Al-Amoudi received a fax that outlined some of the differences between Arabs and Israelis.  For example "The Arab’s average annual income is $1,000 while the Israeli average is $17,000. "
Especially interesting reading as it is published here.

7:17:09 PM  Item-level permalink    

Witness argues with suspect at trial
There was an angry exchange today at a murder trial in Lethbridge, Alta., between a key Crown witness and the man accused of killing five-year-old Jessica Koopmans.  [ ]
5:21:19 PM  Item-level permalink    

Man who claims abuse on hunger strike
A man who claims he was sexually abused by Karl Toft, one of Canada's most notorious pedophiles, has begun a hunger strike at the New Brunswick legislature to show his frustration over the lack of new charges in the sordid, decades-old case.  [ ]
5:17:54 PM  Item-level permalink    

The Massacre That Wasn't--XVI
Writing in the Jewish Journal of Greater Los Angeles, Dan Gordon, described as "a peace activist who has held meetings with Arab leaders in Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, the West Bank and Gaza," offers some telling details on the aftermath of the battle of Jenin:

I was in the Jenin refugee camp on April 16. In addition to noting that there was no smell of death in the camp and that the booby-traps and anti-personnel bombs laid out by the Palestinian gunmen were still very much in evidence, I heard a story, which I did indeed find chilling. It was told to me by Dr. David Zangen, chief medical officer of the Israeli paratroop unit, which bore the brunt of the fighting in Jenin. Zangen stated that the Israelis not only worked to keep the hospital in Jenin open, but that they offered the Palestinians blood for their wounded.

The Palestinians refused it because it was Jewish blood.

That is a chilling story to an American of my age, with memories of white, bigoted-racial purists refusing to accept blood from African Americans in the segregated South.

The Israeli response, which could easily have been, "fine, have it you own way," was to fly in 2,000 units of blood from Jordan, via helicopters, for the Palestinians.  [ ]

3:43:19 PM  Item-level permalink    

One Man's Journalist . . .
Does this explain Reuters' position that "one man's terrorist is another's freedom fighter?" Ha'aretz reports that the Israeli Defense Forces "arrested a Reuters photographer in the Gaza Strip last Wednesday, for what military sources said were his links to terror activities":

Suhaib Jadallah Salem, 22, who was intercepted while traveling to Rafiah, at the southern end of the Strip, was in possession of a hand grenade when he was seized, military sources said.

Reuters' own report on the detention says nothing about the grenade. [ ]

3:33:49 PM  Item-level permalink    

Why Napster is the Good Guy (and the RIAA Is Not)

"David Coursey's recent piece on Napster was the last straw for me. I could barely sit still reading Coursey declare: "The simple fact of the matter is that if copyright owners don't give their permission, passing their content around is stealing, plain and simple...."

The record companies could have evolved with the rest of the world, but they have deliberately chosen to fight against change. Coursey may be a big fan of RIAA president Hilary Rosen, but she is messing up the music business, and that's why Napster was born.

Unfortunately for the RIAA, once the bell has been rung, you can't unring it. When one file-swapping site goes down, there will be two or three more to take its place. I started with Napster, then went to and Morpheus. Now I'm on WinMX, which, come to think of it, I downloaded from ZDNet Downloads.

How's that for irony?" [ZDNet]

3:24:17 PM  Item-level permalink    

California fish and game officials are investigating a San Diego-area man who kept a rare 500-pound pygmy hippopotamus as a pet in his suburban backyard for at least a decade, a newspaper reported on Saturday.   Surprised state officials seized the female hippo, believed to be 12 to 15 years old, from Arthur Stehly, a resident of Escondido, who has more than 100 animals living on his property, including emus, peacocks, geese, goats and ducks, according to The San Diego Union-Tribune.
3:09:46 PM  Item-level permalink    

Why Dilbert loves the Internet. Scott Adams, creator of the popular comic strip, spills his guts to about his plans to become a Web mogul and conquer the business world--all from a nice cozy cubicle, of course. [CNET]
2:58:14 PM  Item-level permalink    

Amazon Scam. A "clever" author of a $3 Self Help PDF has developed a program to put his book in as a recommendation 12 times, on every single top seller at Amazon. As a result he is now the #3 best seller on Amazon.  [ Adam Curry: Adam Curry's Weblog ]
2:23:58 PM  Item-level permalink    

Israel Arrests Senior Militant After Suicide Bombing. Israeli forces swept into Jenin today and arrested a senior militant after a Palestinian suicide bomber killed two and wounded 40 on Monday near Tel Aviv. By Reuters. [Headlines From The NY Times]
2:19:56 PM  Item-level permalink    

U.S. Considers Outlining Terms For Mideast Pact

[ ] In a significant evolution of administration thinking, U.S. officials are debating whether to go beyond President Bush's endorsement last year of a Palestinian state and publicly detail terms for a final Middle East settlement, including a negotiating schedule for achieving an accord. 

Why not it works so well with settling the CUBA thing?

12:38:39 PM  Item-level permalink    

How the FBI Blew the Case.

The inside story of the FBI whistle-blower who accuses her bosses of ignoring warnings of 9/11. A reading of her entire memo suggests a bracing blueprint for change. [ TIME ]

10:35:14 AM  Item-level permalink    

NATO, the alliance set up more than a half century ago for the Cold War containment of Moscow, formally accepted its old enemy as a junior partner today.

There is a model here for Arafat and the Palestinian people to look at. There is going to have to be compromise, and I think the Israelis are ready to consider it. Twenty years ago (1983 to be exact) no one would have believed that the "evil empire" could possibly be a part of NATO. Yet here we are. What made the difference then? Was it the belief by the soviets that they were finally looking at a man just crazy enough to do real damage?

9:57:27 AM  Item-level permalink    

Corporate Web logging — an emerging way for companies to get the word out about products and services — is getting quite a bit of notice from the online community. Does it really work? What are its potential uses — and abuses?  Here is an article from the Seattle Times on the recent Macromedia, developer of cutting-edge Flash, Dreamweaver and Shockwave software, MX roll out and how the weblog seems to have been an asset.
9:26:30 AM  Item-level permalink    

Lesson One: Blogs can do a tremendous job breaking news, and journalists are wise to start their own to tap that power.  Lesson Two: Some rare bloggers become amateur journalists, a status which brings with it its own unique ethical challenges.  Lesson Three: Most bloggers are more like Columnists than capital-J Journalists.

I am trying to get a handle on the role that a good weblog can play.  I have a couple of journalist friends, and would like to see them do more online.  This article is a good one, and deserves a read, maybe even a bookmark.

9:19:34 AM  Item-level permalink    

Genichi Kawakami, Led Yamaha's Big Expansion, Dies at 90. Genichi Kawakami, who insouciantly combined the delicate notes of the piano and the earsplitting roar of the motorcycle to create the Yamaha empire, died on Saturday at a hospital near Hamamatsu, the industrial city in central Japan where Yamaha is based. He was 90 years old. By Constance L. Hays. [Headlines From The NY Times]
8:52:58 AM  Item-level permalink    

I know this might seem like SPAM, but it isnt.  This isn't a pill they take just before sex, but maybe they will take it everyday.

United Press International: New 'viagra-like' pill effective for days. ORLANDO, Fla., May 26 (UPI) -- One dose of a second generation "Viagra-like" pill can help men overcome some forms of impotence for 36 hours or longer. [Daypop Top News Stories]

8:49:49 AM  Item-level permalink    

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