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Day level permalink May 19, 2002

Enron Has Link to Global Crossing. Enron and Global Crossing used a complex deal to sidestep accounting rules in a 2001 transaction. The plan was designed to help Global Crossing disguise a loan and allow each company to book revenue. By David Barboza with Simon Romero. [Headlines From The NY Times]
9:59:10 PM  Item-level permalink    

Think about the Whitewater scandal.  Imagine if Clinton friend Webster Hubbell gave Bill the keys to his company jet.  Now imagine that Webby was so favored that he was asked by his buddy to set up shop in the Whitehouse to interview prospects for key positions in the Clinton administration.  Well that didn't happen.
Now fast forward to today where you just have to substitute Webster Hubble for Kenneth Lay and Clinton for Bush.  Now that did happen, except that it looks like there is NO special prosecutor, and NO indictments.

Sen. Joseph I. Lieberman (D-Conn.), who must been seen by republicans as just a sore loser, says he is going to have to ask for a subpoena to get the White House to respond to his request for information. Lieberman, chairman of the Senate Governmental Affairs Committee, said he would ask the committee for authority to issue the subpoena on Wednesday. That will mark the eighth week since he requested records of White House contacts with Enron, the energy firm that has long ties to Bush and has filed for bankruptcy court protection.

2:19:16 PM  Item-level permalink    

NYPOST.COM Entertainment: OFF THEIR ROCKERS By MICHAEL STARR. Sharon Osbourne says she'll castrate Ted Nugent after the gonzo rocker called her husband, Ozzy Osbourne, "a blithering, hopeless idiot" in The Post earlier this week. [Daypop Top News Stories]

Hey KETTLE, check your email.  There is a message from the POT calling you Black!

1:49:49 PM  Item-level permalink    

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