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Day level permalink May 15, 2002

This is a map of Palestine, as per the "Palestinian National Authority State Information Service" This is the "State of Palestine" that israeli conservatives know is in Arafat's heart. 

Must be a shock to those who don't believe that the ultimate goal of the Palestinians is to capture what is today's Israel..

UPDATE: In case you are not convinced here is the PLO emblem:

12:15:34 PM  Item-level permalink    

A high school administrator who lifted the skirts of teen girls to make sure they were not wearing thong panties, infuriating parents and making national headlines, says her career has been destroyed because she tried to protect her students.  Horrified by "Freak Dancing", she thought she was doing the right thing by looking up girls skirts, and inspecting bras.

What is 'Freak Dancing'?  Well basically the kids are grinding and simulating sexual acts on the dance floor to the beat of rap and techno music.  It has been descibed as lap dancing with clothes on.  It may be a short name for 'Freak your parents out dancing', but I am not sure.

Bottom line:  It was NOT her job!  She is supposed to educate the kids, not protect their virtue. If she really felt this is an issue, she should have received written guidance from the local school board (usually elected) and if the kids are not acting properly at a dance, send them home.  She in fact stepped over the line, and instead of saying that, and apologizing she is blaming the press and the parents.  Shame on her.

9:46:21 AM  Item-level permalink    

Last Rites for Napster. Napster -- the embattled file-trading company you love to hate -- is just about dead. In a furious day of activity, the company CEO quits and employees are given two unappealing options. By Brad King. [Wired News]

At one time they had the entire business, but they were probably kidding themselves to think they could go legit.  From the very start, there was never a realistic plan on how the company could make money.  

There is no money in technology without marketing, and they were not able to sell, only distribute.

Lesson learned. 

7:30:45 AM  Item-level permalink    

Arafat commits to Palestinian reform. In his first speech to the Palestinian Assembly for months, Yasser Arafat calls for new elections and accepts blame for "policy errors". [BBC News: world]

These are the kinds of reforms that I talked about two days ago.  Democratic elections, economic plans, and total separation of judicial, executive and legislative branches.  

Good talk but it has been said before, and now is the time for action.  Excuses that he needed time to prepare reforms and new elections will not wash.  Even people close to Arafat were disappointed to hear this broad sort of annoucement, and no agenda.

7:24:38 AM  Item-level permalink    

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