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Day level permalink May 13, 2002

Arafat rails against Likud setback. Embarking on his first trip outside Ramallah this year, Mr Arafat attacks Israel's Likud party for its decision not to back a Palestinian state. [BBC News: world]

I can't help but notice that support for a TWO state solution is not even something Mr Arafat is willing to accept.  Likud is supporting a ONE state solution (Israel) and Arafat is supporting a ONE state solution (Palestine).  The obvious problem is both states want to occupy the same real estate.

What a state they find themselves in!

The difference is that Likud is a democratic party, and Arafat is not. If the people of Israel don't like what Likud are doing, they will vote them out.

Maybe Arafat needs to show his plan for the New Palestine?  Will it be a democracy?  Will there be a constitution?  How about laws independent of the Arafat's whim?  A truly Free Press?  Open public debate?

I don't think Bush is looking to help establish a new CUBA in Israel's backyard.

2:19:17 PM  Item-level permalink    

Did you think that Mothers Day was an invention of the Hallmark Card company?  I know that is what I thought.  Well, not so says Holly Hilderbrand in this Houston Chronicle Interactive article.
11:07:07 AM  Item-level permalink    

Just did a Radio call in show with Charles Adler on CJOB.   Talking mostly about Email Hoaxes.

He got hit with Jdbgmgr.exe file hoax and passed it on to only a few friends before someone said STOP!

On an aside:  This is a guy that NEEDS a weblog big time!  This is where it would go.  He is already doing the writing, but his current site doesn't have the format right.   It would be so easy to have Radio FTP into the right place with the calender so that people can read past posts.

9:54:07 AM  Item-level permalink    

NASA needs parts no one makes anymore.

So to keep the shuttles flying, the space agency has begun trolling the Internet — including Yahoo and eBay — to find replacement parts for electronic gear that would strike a home computer user as primitive.  [ ]

9:17:15 AM  Item-level permalink    

 Blogs take Web diaries to the next level

"The cool thing about blogs is somebody can say something, or point to a story in Time magazine or CNN, and other people can have at the story, and almost debug it... What this does is takes information and it puts it out before a community of users who will, in effect, crash test it. Hold every single fact up to the light and make sure that it all works.

There's ... one Blog Software that actually is way cooler [than Pita], far more sophisticated and allows you to add all sorts of graphical components and do all sorts of indexing and interesting diagnostic stuff. It's called Radio Userland." [CNN]  Via [Scripting News]

This article is in the form of a Q & A, but it's on CNN.  I've been asking this question now for a few weeks: when is the blogging story going to make the Time or Newsweek.  It would be great if it would appear on the cover, and I'm thinking that Michael Lewis (of Next: The Future Just Happened fame) would be a good person to cover the phenomenon. 

Tick tick tick.....

[Ernie the Attorney]
8:31:16 AM  Item-level permalink    

Gay teen can bring boyfriend to prom
Marc Hall (left) and his same-sex partner, Jean Paul Dumond (CP/Fred Chartrand) A gay Ontario teenager cannot be banned from taking his boyfriend to the prom at a Roman Catholic high school, a judge ruled Friday.

The Catholic church will be lead by the courts, kicking and screaming all the way.  However this was only an injuction.  The judge still has to rule on the Catholic school board's right to run schools without consideration for secular laws.

7:28:29 AM  Item-level permalink    

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