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Day level permalink May 21, 2002

Hells Angel taking Ontario to court

A prominent Hells Angel has launched a lawsuit against the Ontario government, claiming his constitutional right to free association was denied when he was dismissed from a government committee because of his association with the biker club. [ ]

7:11:14 PM  Item-level permalink    

"there is a dramatic public health cost, there is a dramatic social cost"

Lawyers are seeking compensation on behalf of people addicted to tobbaco?  No this week it is.....  video lottery terminals.

Last week, a judge allowed a class-action lawsuit against Loto-Quebec to go forward.  Sheesh.

3:50:26 PM  Item-level permalink    

MARTIN PERETZ joins the crowd calling for a Jenin investigation:

Just not an investigation into what the Israeli Defense Forces did in Jenin. Rather, what the United Nations needs is an internal investigation: What role did the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA)--which for years has presided over Palestinian refugee camps in Jenin and elsewhere--play in allowing those camps to turn into terrorist havens complete with militias and weapons factories? When relief agencies allowed the refugee camps in eastern Congo to be taken over by the Hutu militias that had carried out the 1994 genocide in Rwanda, human rights types were outraged. But in Jenin the U.N.'s complicity with terrorism seems not to bother anyone at all. And that complicity is of more than theoretical interest. After all, surely the Palestinians didn't think they could go on making and exploding bombs indefinitely. If the United Nations had policed its own turf, Ariel Sharon might not have had to.

  [  Link ]

3:30:40 PM  Item-level permalink    

Scientists create pre-plucked chicken.

Although I always believed clothes do make the man, I am now convinced that feathers make the chicken. Just look at the photo.
Scientists in Israel had created a chicken that grows NO feathers.  The idea is that the birds produce leaner meat because no feathers means less subcutaneous fat, and farming them would be less damaging to the environment because poultry farmers would not have to use ventilation to prevent chickens overheating.

3:12:06 PM  Item-level permalink    

Ban this Ayatollah!

If you read this, and don't get the concept that the Internet is the Press we all can own and use for Free Press democracy, then I don't know what more you would need.

1000 Iranian weblogs

You know that after all these semi-democratic incidents in Iran, still only a small fraction of the power is in the hand of the real elected institutions, and judiciary is totally controlled by the hardliners, who have banned 30+ newspapers during the last 5 years.

2:56:47 PM  Item-level permalink    

Eric Alterman of MSNBC has a weblog.  "Is this the right room for an argument?"
2:38:04 PM  Item-level permalink    

From The National Catholic Reporter reprints the 1985 church report on the problem of child abuse in the priesthood. It gives the lie to the notion that the hierarchy was unaware of the problem until recently or that some people were unaware of the need for drastic action a long time ago. The paper comments:
Among the insights in this document are clear statements that while help can be provided for abusive priests, there is “no hope” for a cure for some of them, that a bishop “should suspend immediately” a priest accused of sexual abuse when “the allegation has any possible merit or truth,” and that “In this sophisticated society a media policy of silence implies either necessary secrecy or cover-up.” It said, “clichés such as ‘no comment’ must be cast away.”
But Law will keep spinning, won't he?

2:08:51 PM  Item-level permalink    

A Dilbert for a Post-9/11 World. An online comic strip featuring cubicle workers discussing post-attack feelings is being made into a book. Also: A push for I Love to Write Day.... and more, in M.J. Rose's notebook. [Wired News]
2:00:21 PM  Item-level permalink    

Keith Teare received a letter from Microsoft, which he published on his weblog, which among other things, demands that he stop publishing his weblog.   [Scripting News]

Keith Teare (has) elected to repudiate these obligations, to disclose confidential information, to unilaterally issue misleading press releases and to communicate misleading information to RealNames' customers and resellers.

This is getting better and better.  His response is right on:

I do not believe my individual rights, including my right of free speech can be stymied by bullying threats to me. Let me clear is my sole responsibility and has been discussed with no third party. The RealNames board, incidentally, have no mandate to tell me what I put onto a server in my garage.


1:41:03 PM  Item-level permalink    

Yasser Arafat's popularity has slipped as dissatisfaction with his corruption-ridden regime grows, but no other Palestinian can muster enough support to pose a serious challenge to the Palestinian leader, according an opinion poll published Tuesday. [Nando Times]
He has been here before, and most people think he can pull it out of the fire once again.  However there is a chance that the people are looking for real leadership.  Someone who can bring about honest change through compromise.
11:05:25 AM  Item-level permalink    

F.C.C. Proposes Fining AT&T Wireless $2.2 Million. WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Federal Communications Commission on Monday proposed fining AT&T Wireless Services Inc. (AWE.N) $2.2 million for not providing services on time to more precisely pinpoint the location of those who dial 911 for help on mobile telephones. By Reuters. [New York Times: Technology]
11:00:21 AM  Item-level permalink    

Tim Jarrett quotes Justin Hall: "A friend at Deloitte & Touche asked me to talk with these kids about my career as a freelance writer. And so I stood up in front of them and shared. 'I'm homeless, in debt, and my clothes smell because I live out of a beater car.' And they looked at me confused and a loud little girl with long thin braids in a bright pink parka down in front during the second section said, 'Why should we listen to you then?' and I said, 'because I do what I want and I love my life.'"  [Scripting News]
10:57:12 AM  Item-level permalink    

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