It is interesting to worry about how Mr Lott came to high position. Krugman speculates that the Republican Party may have some deeper issues than a handful of racist/segregationists.
What would the political landscape be like if the Lott storm broke a week before the election?
It seems clear that having Lott as a leader could be unfortunate for the Republicans. While the elections are a long way off, judical hearings aren't and the possibility of the news folks investigating Lott's ties with the Council of Conservative Citizens and other extremist groups are the stuff of dreams for Democrats looking for soundbites. A small bit of surfing reveals interesting events that need to be fleshed out and verified.
The past election was reasonably close and the country remains split. Bestowing the mantle of racism on the Republicans might be enough to cause a disaster two years out... One can imagine most Republicans running as far as they can from this which might offend enough of the Southen coalition to cause some problems.
The only thing that is certain is that politics will be even more interesting if Lott - with his interesting blend of cluelessness, hubris and racism - stays. He could be the largest fundrasier for the Democrats since James Watt et. al.
6:16:43 AM