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  Wednesday, August 06, 2003

GOOD DOG       


I'm not really a dog person, even though I have two of them. One is sort of a step-dog that came with my beloved wife, the other was a flea-market giveaway that my wife wanted to adopt more than I wanted to argue about it.


But I'm not going to regale you with dog stories, because they are, as a rule, quite dull, unless you're intimately familiar with the dog in question. 

I discovered an excellent exception to this rule, however, via CotV #46. Mtpolitics lets you meet Digger and grow to love her in just a few short paragraphs, and by the time you finish reading, you miss her like your own. Every dog owner who's had to say good-bye will enjoy this one.


posted by Harvey at 10:43:27 PM  permalink    Crappy Broken Radio Comments (do not use) [] trackback []  HOME


exposition money is a bad effect on people

So is illiterate googling.


how to goose step march

You put your left leg up

You put your left leg down

You put your left leg up

And you shake it all around...

...Nazi freak.


posted by Harvey at 10:31:05 PM  permalink    Crappy Broken Radio Comments (do not use) [] trackback []  HOME




Today's question comes from Northwestern University's Freshman admission application:



We are often misled by the appearance of things, of people, even of ourselves. Write about an appearance that deceived you and analyze its significance to you.



When I was nine, I saw a leprechaun. Unlike some losers, however, I actually caught mine. I was walking through the countryside, enjoying my evening constitutional...


[begin flashback]


Harv: Look! A leprechaun! I'm gonna catch him!


[brief struggle]


Harv: GOTCHA! Now give me the gold, you rotten little leprechaun!


Leprechaun: Let me go ya freakin' lunatic! I'm not a leprechaun! I'm a llama!


Harv: Gimme my gold!


Leprechaun: Look, you psychotic retard, why don't you try reading the sign over there? What's that say?


Harv: Llucky Llarry's Lleprechaun Farm.


Leprechaun: Llama Farm! What's the matter with you, you illiterate feeb? Are you some kind of Massachusetts school superintendent?


Harv: Ha! If you were really a llama, I'd be able to milk you. I'm pulling, but I don't see any milk.


Leprechaun: I'm not female.


Harv: Oops. Sorry.


Leprechaun: Believe me, I'm not that upset. [wink]


Harv: Hmmm... so how come you can talk?


Leprechaun: ...


Harv: Well?


Leprechaun: Baaaa?


Harv: That's a sheep.


Leprechaun: ...crap. Ok, gold's behind that stump.


Harv: Sweet!


[end flashback]


Turns out the "gold" was heavily-corn-fed llama droppings.


Lesson learned: never trust a sober Irishman. Or an Irishman, sober. I forget which.


posted by Harvey at 10:05:05 PM  permalink    Crappy Broken Radio Comments (do not use) [] trackback []  HOME



Quarters make Chomps very angry.


posted by Harvey at 9:39:41 PM  permalink    Crappy Broken Radio Comments (do not use) [] trackback []  HOME


Here, in it's entirety, is my non-existant-silver-medal winning entry to Frank's Permalink Contest

I replaced the white space that Frank removed from the my original entry and took the liberty of correcting a typo that was probably the real reason I didn't win. Free gratuitous link to the first person who can spot it:



They struck during the night. There was no warning. By morning, they had swarmed the U.S. and resistance was crippled. One fought bravely against them, trying to end the menace. Finally, though, the sword broke, the Colt 1991 locked on an empty clip, and the mighty Frank J. fell. He died as they always thought he would: clawed and bitten by thousands of monkeys.
Now the monkeys, in conjunctions with the hippies and the Communists, have taken control. The hippies dictate government policy, the Communists crack down on freedom, and the monkeys... well the monkeys just cause havoc. They race sports cars through school zones and rob liquor stores all day long. It's all over, it seems, for the human race, but there is one hope left: you.
You lead a ragtag group of rebels in possession of a few small arms. In 200 words or less, how do you plot and bring about the downfall of the monkey, hippy, Commie power structure?


"There's only one way to stop them. We'll create a super-virus, mixing DNA from Frank, Rumsfeld, and Ebola."


"You can't do that," said a suspiciously odiferous cabal-member, "what about the unknown environmental consequences?"


*SHLORP*- I ripped the heart from his chest, holding it in front of his eyes as it spurted patchouli. "Shut up, hippy spy."


"URK!" said the hippy.


"But won't this require a new government program to pay for treating all the infected working poor?" said an elderly, rotund, gin-blossomed man (whom I'd been eyeing suspiciously).


"Die, Commie!"






“BLAM!” added my Frank J Memorial 1991 decisively, ending the argument.


“Anyway, we’ll use the labs at ImClone to put this together.”


“How will we make it in? We’re nearly out of ammo.”


“Don’t worry. I’ve got inside connections. My mother-in-law is Martha Stewart. At least I think she is. Last time she visited, she alphabetized my silverware.”


“Alphabetized your…?”


“Don’t ask.”


“Anyway, enough chatter. Let’s roll.”


The virus worked as planned. Hippies and Commies died of strangulation-like symptoms, while monkeys everywhere bled to death out of their eyes.


… but somewhere in a dark cave… a voice… ”This round is yours, but I’ll be back.” *sip* “mmm… blended puppy.”


posted by Harvey at 8:03:21 PM  permalink    Crappy Broken Radio Comments (do not use) [] trackback []  HOME


Results are in at Frank's place, and, as I feared, the winner of the Super Happy Lucky Fun Permalink Contest Number One was one of the many entrants who were not me.

I didn't like Jarred's answer when I first read it, but as the day wore on, I came to appreciate the fact that his solution was the most practical, and I might have actually voted for it, in the absence of self-interest. I thought it was especially gutsy considering the fate of the last person to enter a micro-answer.

I did manage to take the "first loser" spot, though. And, when I was trying to envision a realistic worst-case scenario this morning, I decided that I'd be at least reasonably content as long as I got more than my fair share of the final votes, i.e., greater than 16%. That I did, and spots 3, 4, 5 & 6 each got less than half my score, so there's still a little schadenfreudy happiness to be had.

Congratulations to Jarred for winning, and I'll be sending him some Frankfeldbola virus in the mail.




posted by Harvey at 7:55:38 PM  permalink    Crappy Broken Radio Comments (do not use) [] trackback []  HOME

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