Sunday, April 10, 2005

Charles Davenport Jr. adds little or nothing to the debate over the Truth & Rec Commission in this morning's column (mercifully unposted), but at least he's no longer touting the superior marksmanship of the Klansmen. See, the process is working already.

Otherwise, typical Davenport Jr.: he impugns the motives and methods of those who disagree with him, refers to "'journalists' of the socialist persuasion," dismisses racism and homophobia as "phantoms," and manages not to mention either the presence of law-enforcement informants with the killers or the civil penalty paid by the City of Greensboro in the case.

11:22:45 AM   permalink   comment []

Rocky Mountain News launches "Using the Web, anyone can be a published reporter or commentator, photographer or artist." The content will be repackaged into localized print versions, too. (Thanks for the tip, CG).

And GetLocalNews has a plan to get contributing writers paid.

11:06:15 AM   permalink   comment []