Bad Money Logo


"The frightening power of Harvey's filthy lies makes me tremble like a Frenchman. I frequently wet myself in terror and... Oops... damn." - Glenn Reynolds

"Tact is a stranger to you. I like that." - Chris Muir - Day By Day

"The man is a FREAK and a WEIRDO!" - Vigilance Matters

"The nicest thing about having Harvey around is that he makes the raincoat flashers look suave." - Rocket Jones

"...a very, very sick person." - She Who Will Be Obeyed

"pervert of renown extraordinare" - Practical Penumbra

"He's a really nice guy even if he is a little bit weird and creepy sometimes." - Reflections in d minor

"Curmudgeonly Old Coot" - BigStick.US

"Mr. Bad Example" - Straight White Guy

"Shpxurnq!!1!" - The Bartender of Madfish Willie's Cyber Saloon

"infamous den of rum, buggery, the lash, and pirate pickup lines" - ErosBlog




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  Wednesday, November 12, 2003


Poorly labeled in one of Don's link round-ups, was this post from Snooze Button Dreams that links to a site which gives instructions for women who want to master the manly art of peeing while standing.

I hope this catches on. It'll be nice to be able to peep over at the next urinal and not see someone longer than me for a change.


posted by Harvey at 11:14:05 PM  permalink    Crappy Broken Radio Comments (do not use) [] trackback []  HOME


In a fit of narcissism, I poked around at Technorati to see who was linking me.

Hmmm... Aethele...I don't recognize that name. No direct link to the post, so I'll just have to hit the main page & scroll around.

Ah, there it is. She got my A-Z post off of Matty O'Blackfive.

And what's this over here? Enemyster (not friendster) Sounds intriguing...

What's this item? [can't find the link anymore, but I swear it used to be there]

It's Life of a Pug!

Now, I think pugs are the nasty-ugliest things on the planet, but this one gets dressed in all kinds of humiliating costumes, so I found it amusing.

Be sure to check the archives.

Technorati... is there anything it can't do?

posted by Harvey at 11:05:27 PM  permalink    Crappy Broken Radio Comments (do not use) [] trackback []  HOME


... with this woman.

(via the Bartender)

posted by Harvey at 10:33:53 PM  permalink    Crappy Broken Radio Comments (do not use) [] trackback []  HOME


I just discovered that Venomous Kate, poisonously charming hostess of the weekly Snark Hunt, will soon have to endure the misery of having her military husband sent away on undisclosed overseas duty.

I don't know what it's like to be left behind like that. In my Navy days, I was always the one doing the leaving. Frankly, I suspect I had the easier weight to bear. I was kept busy fulfilling my mission, with plenty to do, and little time for indulging in heartache. Yes, I missed the girl I left behind (the one I married many years later) during the quiet hours, and there were more than a few tears on my pillow, but I was in a working environment, and work was what I focused on.

Kate, on the other hand, like my left-behind girl, is not so fortunate. Every day, she will have to wander through her house, constantly tripping over the empty spaces left in her husband's absence. She will have to see, always and everywhere, the constant reminders of her man, and the life they've built together.

That. Hurts.

I wish her well in her time of aching, and I hope that the parting is as short as humanly possible.

Bless you, Kate, and, as a vet, I salute you for what you've given.


posted by Harvey at 10:29:53 PM  permalink    Crappy Broken Radio Comments (do not use) [] trackback []  HOME


So, after making Joey the star of the world's greatest rock band, Filthy Lucre, and rocketing us to the top of the charts with our hit song, "Socialism Sucks", how does Joey repay me?

Ok, besides with a dollar.

He fisked my damn song! (Nov 10, CTRL+F "awesome")

Not only that, but his remarks about about his beverage preferences caused Mountain Dew to withdraw sponsorship from our concert, so that's been cancelled. Thanks for the financial ruination, Joey.

Plus, he's added insult to... well, insult, by making his new question:


What are three good reasons I shouldn't give the dollar to Harvey this week?


I'm gonna have to wrestle with some conflict of interest issues, so my answer will come later. Meanwhile, the rest of you go help him figure out how to cheat me out of what's rightfully mine.


posted by Harvey at 10:07:34 PM  permalink    Crappy Broken Radio Comments (do not use) [] trackback []  HOME



I long to touch your soul,

To taste the sacredness of you,

A love so pure, sublime, serene…

A dream contemptuous of time.

Come to me, Love, and wrap me up

In endless dreams, caresses sweet

With gentleness and joy.

My aching heart, filled with desire,

Would gladly soar through time and space

Just to dissolve in your embrace once more…

And melt in your soul’s sweet fire.


posted by Harvey at 9:46:12 PM  permalink    Crappy Broken Radio Comments (do not use) [] trackback []  HOME


From "Little Known Facts About the Bible", page 25:

"The early Church elders chose to omit the first 67 of Mark's original 83 chapters . They were later collected and published as "Potty Training Messiahs for Dummies"."


posted by Harvey at 9:37:17 PM  permalink    Crappy Broken Radio Comments (do not use) [] trackback []  HOME


Looks like the server at my image host is down right now, so Today's Graffiti Currency may be delayed or denied.

Gee Bartender, looks like you get to blame someone else tonight :-)



posted by Harvey at 6:18:57 PM  permalink    Crappy Broken Radio Comments (do not use) [] trackback []  HOME


A contest is being run by that whackjob Don of Anger Management (and his evil twin Don, with whom he's been bickering a lot lately) and it has its first immunity challenge going, which is:


As you may know, Rachel Lucas has taken an open-ended vacation from blogging. As you also may know, this really really sucks. Your first assignment, if you choose to accept it (and you had better) is to plead for Rachel's return.


Well, 5 of the 6 took it seriously. The other one got creative.

I like song parodies... if they're well done. There's a tense balancing act between changing enough words to get your point across, and leaving enough of the original lyrics to help you keep the original song in mind. Entrant #2 hits the sweet spot on his/her version of American Pie:


A long long time ago
I can still remember
how that blogger used to make me smile
And I knew if she stayed around
The liberal idiots she would pound
And maybe they'd go away, for a while
But October 17th made me shiver
As under pictures of Sunny n' Digger
She had ceased her blogging
It gave my heart a flogging
I can't remember if I cried
When I read about her canine pride
But something touched me deep inside
The day, rachel's blog, died

Bye-bye, Miss Capitalist Queen
Drove my chevy to the levee
Trying not to cry out my spleen
How could Rachel ever be so mean
To fade away from the blogging scene?
She left the blogosphere like a dream.


And mystery contestant goes on to do the whole freaking song! Not the 3 minute shrinky-dink version, I'm talking all 843 stanzas of it.

Go now, please, and reward such brilliance with a vote.

Oh, and he/she mentioned my name in his/her little ditty, which makes it extra cool.


posted by Harvey at 4:53:06 PM  permalink    Crappy Broken Radio Comments (do not use) [] trackback []  HOME


Don't remember where I got this one from. Possibly the Bartender - which would make sense, since I often don't remember things after binge being there for a while.

Anyway, LeeAnn of The Cheese Stands Alone had a link to "The Cutie Bunch Friendly Pal Pack". It's a delightful little children's tale that reminds me quite a bit of a virtual-book version of the "Happy Tree Friends".

Highly recommended for blogless brothers...

Oh, and please don't go to either of those last two links unless you actually find Itchy & Scratchy cartoons funny.


posted by Harvey at 4:26:01 PM  permalink    Crappy Broken Radio Comments (do not use) [] trackback []  HOME


Turns out Lynn likes the word "antidisestablishmentarianism". For it's length alone. (Quiet, brain! Don't go there!) So much so that she went ahead & Googled up some cool links (and I quote):


The Straight Dope Mailbag which throws in a few more hippopotomonstrosesquipidelian words in response to a reader's question.

Steve Thompson's homepage says he used to have a blog titled "Antidisestablishmentarianism" but he changed the name to "Something Clever." I thought Antidisestablishmentarianism was a pretty clever title and probably a good way to get a lot of search referrals. The URL, on the other hand, is just weird.

Jedi Mike humourously deconstructs the word.

There are a few serious sites using the word.


There's more, too, including a song by that title which contains the word "Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis".

Lynn is so cool :-)


posted by Harvey at 4:07:33 PM  permalink    Crappy Broken Radio Comments (do not use) [] trackback []  HOME


Just a little something I overheard the Puppy Blender saying to Deep Cover Agent, Codename: Jen the other day. I liked it so much, I put it on the sidebar.

"The frightening power of Harvey's filthy lies makes me tremble like a Frenchman. I frequently wet myself in terror and...Oops... damn." - Glenn Reynolds

posted by Harvey at 3:37:43 PM  permalink    Crappy Broken Radio Comments (do not use) [] trackback []  HOME


I've seen a lot of Veteran's Day posts out there today, but Trey has a new angle on the topic that makes me go, "huh... ya know... he's exactly right"


Veteran’s Day is a day set aside to celebrate the dedication, effort, and accomplishment of our military. Those brave men and women from the American Revolution to today have been charged with the task of protecting our freedom.

So, I’m doing the only thing I can think of that is wholly appropriate to venerate their success and efforts: I’m working.

Work is my way of affirming their action and existence. It’s my life, liberty, and property they are fighting to protect, so what’s better than making sound use of those things? What better way to toast to their success?


Thank you, Trey.

posted by Harvey at 12:45:45 AM  permalink    Crappy Broken Radio Comments (do not use) [] trackback []  HOME


His Blessed Cruelty, Emperor Misha I of the Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler, is currently NOT WINNING in a poll which is attempting to choose the most offensive male blogger.


Go vote! Early, often, and with extreme prejudice!


posted by Harvey at 12:21:09 AM  permalink    Crappy Broken Radio Comments (do not use) [] trackback []  HOME

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