Let's spawn a audioblogging revolution (or maybe just a new weblog.com community for now)
Looks like Dave Winer picked up on my post about cloning something like weblog.com for the audioblogging community. Dave has offered to spawn an audioblogging community off of weblogs.com if there is interest in the audioblogging community. Dave's created an area for people with audio blogs to comment and show their interest.
With all the new free legal audio mp3 links becoming available on the net and the presence now of 3 audioblogging networks (audblog, audlink and audioblog), we need to find an efficient structure to connect all the audio links with the audio listening community. Audioblogging is the process in my opinion and spawning a community off of weblogs.com at this time would be a great tool to support the process. The legal audio file storage services out there need to support a service like this and others that make it more efficient for finding their customer's online audio files.
On a slightly different note, I wonder if Dave stopped by my site and seen how we bootstraped into Radio. With the integration, I have been able to move my audioblogging quite easily past the "click the audio file on my weblog" stage onto the "listen to my collection of audio files for today" stage. I'm not done yet, but my new audioblogging ideas are starting to move into reality. Imagine next having the ability for selecting all of mine and any other audioblogger's daily audio link collections for automatic dowloading into your MP3 player, iPod and/or media server.
Scripting News: Harold Gilchrist says it's time for audio blogs to have their own weblogs.com. We can do it if there's enough interest -- weblogs.com has the ability to spawn new communities. So if there are enough audio blogs or tools to start one, let's do it. Probably the best way to find out is to create a post and ask people with audio blogs to comment. ![Permanent link to this item in the archive.](http://www.scripting.com/images/2001/09/20/sharpPermaLink3.gif)
6:42:15 AM