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"The frightening power of Harvey's filthy lies makes me tremble like a Frenchman. I frequently wet myself in terror and... Oops... damn." - Glenn Reynolds

"Tact is a stranger to you. I like that." - Chris Muir - Day By Day

"The man is a FREAK and a WEIRDO!" - Vigilance Matters

"The nicest thing about having Harvey around is that he makes the raincoat flashers look suave." - Rocket Jones

"...a very, very sick person." - She Who Will Be Obeyed

"pervert of renown extraordinare" - Practical Penumbra

"He's a really nice guy even if he is a little bit weird and creepy sometimes." - Reflections in d minor

"Curmudgeonly Old Coot" - BigStick.US

"Mr. Bad Example" - Straight White Guy

"Shpxurnq!!1!" - The Bartender of Madfish Willie's Cyber Saloon

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  Friday, January 02, 2004



I never understood it when people said "Love is all you need." This is probably because they didn't say "The love of a beautiful, passionate, compassionate, skillful, intelligent, loving, and all-around perfect woman is all you need."

[to which I added]

...YOUR love is all I need :-)

posted by Harvey at 10:59:28 PM  permalink    Crappy Broken Radio Comments (do not use) [] trackback []  HOME


[Who bares this dollar is GAY]

Of course I'm gay! Duh! I think it would be painfully obvious to even the most casual observer. I mean, have you ever seen the kind of stuff I do when I'm in the Champagne Room? I'm shocked that you even thought you had to ask about...


No, dumbass, definition #5.

posted by Harvey at 10:56:34 PM  permalink    Crappy Broken Radio Comments (do not use) [] trackback []  HOME


...I peeped the bottom of the Bear's microbe list. The name Oriental Redneck peaked my curiosity. Then I found this:

Saddam Claus


(It's Blogspot, and the permalinks work, but you have to scroll up after you get there.)

posted by Harvey at 10:27:54 PM  permalink    Crappy Broken Radio Comments (do not use) [] trackback []  HOME


I don't like this poem "The Red Apprentice (An Altruist Ideal)" (Jan 1, CTRL+F "apprentice") by Juggernaut of Love. I read it and had no idea what the author was trying to say. But I was intrigued by the title... specifically the fact that it contained the word "altruist". To the best of my knowledge, only Objectivists use that word.

I checked the blogroll - sure enough, all kinds of Objectivist goodies. And, as I've mentioned previously, I like Objectivists. So I hunted around to find a reason to vote for the blogger, despite the not-so-great poetry.

Found it. Manan has a post about civil disobedience (Dec 22 CTRL+F "Ragnarian"), that links to an organization ( that is actively attempting to screw with state sponsored Affirmative Action programs:

"What would happen to affirmative-action programs if a significant portion of college applicants intentionally misreported their races? Even if most applications were marked correctly...a little civil disobedience could introduce just enough margin of error to really bring out the pure intellectual chaos and moral repugnance of affirmative action."
Since I despise race-based preferences with a dark and bloody fury, I want to give Manan a huge round of applause (and a vote in the NBS) for pointing this out.

Meanwhile, may I suggest that Manan get comments installed (I recommend Haloscan), and a nice "About Me" post linked in his sidebar (or is that her sidebar? Crap! It's an Indian name, and I've gotten this wrong before with Shanti...See? That's why you need an "About Me" post). Actually, since permalinks are Blogspotted, maybe just a short "About Me" blurb, instead.

After that, consider accepting one of the many "get out of Blogspot free" offers that are floating around.

posted by Harvey at 10:16:55 PM  permalink    Crappy Broken Radio Comments (do not use) [] trackback []  HOME


Not really the most inspiring or entertaining poem I've ever seen, (I look to Heather for that sort of thing), but I find The Epicenter's "A Holiday Poem for Bloggers" to be informative. I live and breathe (and blog) to see my Ecosystem rating go up, and I'm vaguely aware of the concept of other blog rating systems. There's a link in the poem to one that has heretofore escaped my attention: the Technorati Top 50 Interesting Recent Blogs. Imagine my surprise when I saw the Madfish Willie's humble establishment there yesterday (note to self: spend more time kissing Bartender's ass), and Susie's there tonight (note to self: spend more time kissing... well,.. anything she wants).

The cool thing about this list as opposed to the Technorati Top 100 is that it uses a semi-complicated mathematical formula to give a weighted score based on the number of new links compared to the number of current links, thus allowing relatively obscure blogs to show up on the list if they get a sudden uptick in incoming links.

Pretty cool concept. I hope to show up there someday.

posted by Harvey at 9:38:54 PM  permalink    Crappy Broken Radio Comments (do not use) [] trackback []  HOME


Lynn of Reflections in d minor went dog-blogging today. Not about her dog, mind you. It's about YOUR dog, and would you PLEASE shut up about the animal?:

Whatever you do, DO NOT spend an entire evening gushing about how much you love your "child" [dog] and repeating over and over again that she likes to be the center of attention. Believe me, we know! We can all see that your "child" likes to be the center of attention. We certainly don't need to be reminded of this annoying fact every two minutes throughout the entire evening. PLEASE find something else to talk about! Music, books, movies, sports, pop culture, how good (or bad) the pizza is. Anything! Just puh-leeeease quit talking about your damned dog kid for five minutes!

Being the childless parent of 6 animals myself, I try to restrain the urge to blather about the 4-legged offspring, and I only post the humiliating pictures, and not the cute ones.

But I'll go Lynn one better. When I come over, get the baby out of the room. I don't mind kids so much - at least the walking & talking kind - you can at least interact with them and hold moderately amusing discussions. But a baby just sucks the life and/or intelligence out of a room full of adults. Recently I was at a Christmas affair with some relatives. When the diapered darling was asleep, there was some moderately entertaining chit-chat in the air. Once the party pooper woke up, all attention turned toward the little star & conversation devolved to captioning the baby's activities:

"Aw, she's so cute"
"Look, she's smiling"
"She's wondering who all these people are"
"What a big yawn! I'll bet baby's sleep-y!"

Kill. Me. Now.

It went on like this for about 20 minutes until momma had the decency to take baby elsewhere, whereupon normal human adult discussions resumed. I've never been so relieved.

Next time someone starts coochie-cooing a rugrat in my presense, I swear I'm gonna bust out with my hernia surgery stories.

You've been warned.

posted by Harvey at 9:15:06 PM  permalink    Crappy Broken Radio Comments (do not use) [] trackback []  HOME


Jeff of BigStick.US has his interview up at Jen's place. It's nice to see a fine, upstanding, American youth get his 15 minutes of fame:

What is the first thing you plan to do when you get to France?

- Well, after doing all of the necessary paperwork and finding my host family's house, I'm going to unpack my huge American Flag and put it up on the wall of my room. So there.

Do you have plans for what to do with all the Frenchies who surrender to you at the airport?

- Not really... I hadn't considered that. I'll try to keep a low profile, I mean, they'll outnumber me quite a bit. Wait, nevermind. I'll just round them into pens.

How many states do you think Dean will carry in the 2004 election should he win the Democratic Primary?

- 3. Alberta, California, and New York. He's big in them liberal shithead areas.

Lots more. Go read.

Then poke that little peckerhead in the eye until he coughs up another episode of 2015.

posted by Harvey at 8:49:36 PM  permalink    Crappy Broken Radio Comments (do not use) [] trackback []  HOME


hM of homicidalManiak is a sweet lady (don't let the pictures of carving implements in her banner fool you), and, via Emperor Darth Misha I, I found out she's having some difficulties with an invasive Nanny State:


Alrighty then, people, I need some help. My family has a situation going on right now and we can use prayers, money, whatever.

Basically my step-mom's ex is looking at taking the four kids they had together away. When the whole thing is said and done he will lose (because he's a total assnugget), but at great cost to my fam. We all know that the Nanny State-headed legal system, while having our Best Interests™ at heart, will also bleed us dry whenever a case For the Children™ comes up. Another issue with this is that the youngest boy has odd interests (death and the macabre), a lot like I did when I was his age. So while my parents may win the suit, they may lose the youngest to the Nanny State if only because they will deem it necessary for his "mental well-being".

You may have noticed off to the side I've added a Paypal button under Worthy Causes. If there was ever a worthy cause this is it. If you can't donate at least send up a prayer or two. My family needs it.

Being "none of the above" in the higher-being department, I can't offer prayers, so I'm just going to make like a Democrat and throw some money at the problem.

Others are encouraged to do one or the other or both.

posted by Harvey at 8:33:21 PM  permalink    Crappy Broken Radio Comments (do not use) [] trackback []  HOME


Filthy Lie Round-up is up. My favorite being Susie's chilling tale of her encounter with the Vampire Lestat Glenn.

I looked up to see long, claw-like fingernails sliding slowing across the glass front window of the Ticket Booth. Half a second ago there had been no one anywhere near the theater. Now there was black-clad figure standing a few inches away from me, only the window separating us. I was too frightened to scream, although I did I gasp in horror--which caused me to go into a coughing fit. I rummaged though my pockets for a tissue, and found one just as I hacked up [deleted: colorful yet disgusting description of viscous bodily fluids common in cold sufferers]. As the spasms subsided, I looked up to see the dark figure patiently waiting, the claw-like nails tapping a rhythmic tattoo on the glass. Unsure of what else to do, I leaned forward to the "speaker" and asked "Can I help you?"

New Assignment: What was Evil Glenn doing at the Memphis Zoo at 2am?


posted by Harvey at 8:10:57 PM  permalink    Crappy Broken Radio Comments (do not use) [] trackback []  HOME


Hmmm... that sounds more like a porno movie title than an actual post. Anyway, the Bartender of Madfish Willie's Cyber Saloon, will be posting a round-up of the best adult-oriented humor & commentary this Sunday. To get into the Champagne Room, e-mail links to your dirtiest, nastiest, and/or most suggestive posts to

MadfishWillie at

And remind me to crank out more smut tonight so I've got a bone to toss that mongrel. It's been pretty dry around here the last week or so. I need to spice things up.

posted by Harvey at 7:40:54 AM  permalink    Crappy Broken Radio Comments (do not use) [] trackback []  HOME



Are you a bad load of laundry? You make my pants feel two sizes too small.

posted by Harvey at 1:07:18 AM  permalink    Crappy Broken Radio Comments (do not use) [] trackback []  HOME

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