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  Tuesday, January 13, 2004



I could stay awake, just to hear you breathing
Watch you smile while you are sleeping,
While you're far away and dreaming
I could spend my life in this sweet surrender
I could stay lost in this moment forever
Every moment I spend with you is a moment I treasure...

posted by Harvey at 6:53:41 PM  permalink    Crappy Broken Radio Comments (do not use) [] trackback []  HOME


[Guess who goes through your mail? I do.]

Instead of my income tax refund check, I found this in my mailbox. Apparently there's nothing that bastard Howard Dean won't do to fund his campaign!

posted by Harvey at 6:51:26 PM  permalink    Crappy Broken Radio Comments (do not use) [] trackback []  HOME


Sure, right-wingers may be stupid, but at least we're not trite and uncreative. The Pro-Saddam lefties trot out the same tired old slogans for every protest:

Bush = Hitler
No blood for oil!
War is always a mistake
Global war industry = weapons of mass destruction


For the sake of this week's Alliance Precision Guided Humor assignment, let's see if we can't make some improvements (NOTE: lest you accuse me of making things up, damn near all of these are based on actual protest slogans):

Bush lied! People died! We're glad Saddam is on our side!

Give appease a chance.

Where are the WMD's? Hey! No fair looking in the palaces!

America - stop killing innocent Iraqis! That's Saddam's job!

All blood is red! So are crayons. We like crayons. Crayons for peace. Maybe some nice, juicy
tomatoes, too. Ooooh! And strawberry Jell-o!

They're selling war; we're not buying. Boycott Evian!

Peace; not shattered lives. Except in America

Brains not bombs. Since we have neither, we demand peace!

UN Yes! Wild West No! Tofu Definitely!

No war in our name. Just oppressed Iraqis

Violence breeds violence. Let's breed peace. Sheep are peaceful. Let's be more like sheep.

Let's bomb Texas; they have oil too. Then we'll bomb Arizona because it has a desert. And
Indiana because it starts with the letter I. And bomb my house because my dad's a jerk. Can you
believe he charges me rent to live in the basement?

Iraq is not the enemy. The enemy lies within. Wait... does that mean I'm the enemy? I'm

No blood for oil! No brains for peace!


posted by Harvey at 6:44:06 PM  permalink    Crappy Broken Radio Comments (do not use) [] trackback []  HOME


Howard Dean is an honest man. A man of his word. A man of God's word. A man... *snicker*

Nevermind. I can't do this with a straight face. The truth is that Howard Dean busted an artery at a pancake breakfast and wound up in the very special version of Hell that J of Quibbles & Bits had prepared for him:

Howard Dean spun around. "Who the Hell are you?" he demanded.

The tall figure stepped toward him, cloven hooves leaving smoking footprints on the dark floor of the frightening forest. His scarlet skin danced with flames, belying his calm demeanor. He smiled a smile of a thousand pincushion teeth. His jet black horns quivered with glee, and his black bat-wings fluttered in eager anticipation.

"Oh Howard, you don't recognize me?"

"Why the hell should I?" he growled. A vein pulsed in his temple, reflecting the pounding mambo beat of his angry heart.

"Because you allegedly know the Bible, and the consequences of sin," the red man said.

"Hey, I read Job once," Dean grumbled. "What the hell, I'll take a guess. Hmmmmm.... red skin, horns, leathery wings, menacing Aura of Eviltm... Are you Dick Cheney?"

The red figure laughed. "No, I'm not Dick Cheney. Try again."

"Well, I've met Hillary Clinton and you're no Hillary Clinton."

"Thank God for that," the red man muttered.

Of course, I'm a touch suspicious of J's explanation for Howard's untimely demise. I couldn't help but notice that Dana's been doing a lot of quilting lately. Possibly to strengthen her fingers for a strangling expedition. Or perhaps it's just coincidence...

posted by Harvey at 6:32:30 PM  permalink    Crappy Broken Radio Comments (do not use) [] trackback []  HOME


...a Bonfire! And the Vanities are crackling madly at The Evangelical Outpost. All the rampant suckiness from around the fetid underbelly of the blogosphere is yours for the perusing.

And while wallowing through the hideousness, be sure to stop by Dogtulosba's particularly mangy offering, as he chronicles the horrifying Dihydrogen Monoxide calamity that so recently terrorized Seattle. Shudder now at this brief excerpt:

People everywhere are in panic. School districts are closing in fear of the reprocussions from the chemical attack. "It will turn [the children] into raving monsters...throwing [the chemical] at each other," one parent was noted as saying. In particular, school authorities and parents are worried about the process in which children can easily turn the semi-solid chemical substance into a full solid by simply compacting it with their bare hands and a little bit of the liquid chemical substance. These "chemical grenades" have been known to cause terror in many places in the Midwest as well.


posted by Harvey at 6:20:28 PM  permalink    Crappy Broken Radio Comments (do not use) [] trackback []  HOME


Chatting with my wife this morning about the Lord of the Rings. She's amazed that some of our friends (male geeks from back in high school with whom we still keep in touch) still know so much about the details of the books to compare them to the movies. I suggested that maybe it was because they read the books more than once.

"Why would you do that? You already know the ending." was her response.

Which led to a discussion of re-reading books & re-watching movies. She almost never does it. She's always looking for something new.

Me? There's probably at least half a dozen things I've seen or read upwards of 10 times, and I can't even begin to count all the things I've read or seen at least twice. If something is good, I want to go back and enjoy it again.

So now I'm wondering... Is this a guy thing vs. a chick thing, or is it more a do-it-again person thing vs. a do-something-new person thing?

posted by Harvey at 7:31:23 AM  permalink    Crappy Broken Radio Comments (do not use) [] trackback []  HOME

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