Days Come and Days Go : A weblog which relates the events as Days Come and Days Go
Updated: 2/1/2003; 4:32:10 PM.


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Sunday, January 12, 2003


I often have very vivid dreams most in full technicolor. Last night was no exception. And it started me thinking about our dreams...what do they mean? Why do we dream? What is their purpose? Do they serve a "purpose"? I suppose that if you ask these questions to any number of reputable scientists you will be given as many different reasons as there are dreams. I believe that our dreams could be  hopes and wishes that lay undisturbed deep within our minds. Perhaps some secret longing or unresolved issues in our daily lives or maybe just thoughts that linger in the recesses of noctural slumber. In any case, I suppose that in my life, they do serve some purpose. Often I note bits and pieces of thoughts sewn together from my waking reality.Soaring. Fragments of ideas, people and places woven into a fabric of ever soaring porportions. For within dreams, I find that I am able to experience my desires with slight regard of consequence because it is not the outcome I chase, but it is rather the journey I enjoy. They lead me to extraordinary situations and times whilst other times they lead me to decisions in my waking reality. But what if the dream IS the reality and thus,...reality the dream. Perhaps tonight I shall ponder that my dreams.



Today's Quote:

Dreams are faithful interpreters of our inclinations; but there is an art required to sort and understand them.-Michel De Montaigne

6:42:35 PM    comment []

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