Days Come and Days Go : A weblog which relates the events as Days Come and Days Go
Updated: 2/1/2003; 4:32:11 PM.


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Monday, January 13, 2003

The Creek

Upon my daily walk I attempt to find something new and different each time. Many days, my journey leads me along a nearby creek of which I know very well. But pausing today to really inspect this creek, my mind began contemplating its' source and destination. Perhaps it begins life in some far off mountain range where powdery snows feed cold fast running rivers. Maybe these rivers flow into some lake, well stocked with all sorts of fish and wildlife. And yet, somehow, the water continues its' journey seeking its' own course and termination. And for a moment in time...just this moment, it is passing right before my path. Watching it dance and trickle over rocks a slight eddy swirls an ill dropped leaf and carries it onward, out of sight. Never fighting the obstacles before it, but rather, bending and embracing them effortlessly.Creek. And to what destination? Most certainly the sea...ever the sea. Why has fate has led me to be here to this very spot, at just this moment, so that I may experience this unique and everchanging sight? Perhaps my little creek is but a wider reflection on life. Lessons we should all take away with regards to beginnings and endings and the travels in between. About choosing the courses in our lives that bring beauty and simple pleasures. About how compromising with obstacles doesn't mean losing sight of the destination. And about the all too temporary place we find ourselves, ...called "life".



Today's Quote:

The creeks ... are an active mystery, fresh every minute. Theirs is the mystery of continuous creation and all that providence implies.-Annie Dillard

4:19:51 PM    comment []

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