Updated: 5/31/2004; 12:28:03 AM.
The Lopsided Poopdeck
Someday we'll look back on this moment and plow into a parked car.

Saturday, May 01, 2004


Hating Israel

The most basic reason as suggested already is that those who hate America, also hate those whom America supports, of which Israel is exhibit A. For Al Qaeda, there is the great Satan, America, and the little Satan, Israel. Since 9/11, Al Qaeda has made the focus of its hatred for the great Satan, the great Satan’s support for the little Satan. In Europe there are a much larger number of hardcore leftists than we have in the United States. Score one for America, I think. Two percent of the population vote for the Green Party here, 10% or more do so in European countries. While many think the Greens are primarily an environmental movement, the party platform in every country in which they are a factor, including the US, is replete with harsh attacks on Israel. In many European countries, the Greens are part of a left of center governing coalition, which helps explain why there is so little sympathy for Israel in Europe.   [Common Sense and Wonder]

7:56:06 PM    


Outrage   [Dog Snot Diaries]

7:52:23 PM    


This is why I stopped watching television news years ago.

We're From Eyewitness News, and Your Son's Dead. How Do You Feel About It?

"And people wonder why the news media's reputation hovers around the same approval ratings as personal-injury lawyers and used-car salemen."  [Captain's Quarters]

7:36:01 PM    


Abu Ghraib

"The news isn't that people were abused. I'm sorry, but that happens everywhere and has happened throughout human history. As a species, we're pretty cruel.

In many societies, though, cruelty is the norm. It is not only expected, but those who practice it well are rewarded.

In our society, they are shamed, and fired, and arrested."   [Winds of Change.NET]

9:55:47 AM    


Hannity Unveils Koppel's Bias

"Now Sean Hannity has proven to me, beyond any reasonable doubt, that Koppel's show was a cheap stunt intended to undermine the President. He asked Koppel why no names from the Afghanistan theater were mentioned. And Ted had no satisfactory answer."   [HOG ON ICE]

9:52:57 AM    


Kufr, the Kingdom is not what it used to be

Allah's going to have a word with Crown Prince Abdullah about it, just as soon as he, er, finishes up what he's doing right now. Allahu Akbar.... [Allah Is In The House]

9:26:42 AM    


Showdown - Part 6 (Fumble)

This is bad, just bad. The CPA, the Bush Administration, and Iraqi power brokers are making deals over Fallujah. The primary part of which is to have Iraqi Civil Defense Forces and Police take control of Fallujah and pull the... [BLACKFIVE]

9:22:26 AM    


Engrish of the Day

Though it is really gratitude

9:18:14 AM    


As bad as the other guys

"If they're found guilty, I hope these assholes go to jail.

Because when the Islamist pricks do this kind of thing to our soldiers, I want to be able to go after them with a vengeful spirit. Right now, we have no leg to stand on.

Predictably, the accused American "soldiers" have started to whine that they're the victims -- that it was the fault of the Army for running this place they way they did.

Bullshit. The "we were just obeying orders" defense disappeared at Nuremburg."  [Kim du Toit]

9:11:39 AM    



"That's the same excuse the six pricks from Iraq are using now. "Sure, I behaved as a sadistic savage. But nobody ever told me that behaving as a sadistic savage was wrong. I didn't receive the proper TRAINING."   [Gut Rumbles]

9:01:09 AM    


Arab Media Seething, Humiliated

"But not a word of disapproval from the Arab World™ when the noble mujahideen resistance fighters use women and children as human shields, or tear apart the bodies of Westerners, or use mosques as weapons dumps and cover for gunmen, or murder captured prisoners."    [Little Green Footballs]

8:53:55 AM    


What do you expect me to do Goldfinger?  I expect you to die Mr. Bond!

March of the Moderate Muslims

Arizona physician Zuhdi Jasser organized a "Rally Against Terror," intended to give moderate Muslims a chance to speak out against the extremists and show their support for America. As the nation's first such rally, the event got national coverage and the backing of Arizona's leading newspaper the Arizona Republic.

The Muslim community of Phoenix is estimated at 50,000 persons; Jasser worked strenuously to reach out to the Valley Council of Imams, Valley mosques and major Valley Islamic organizations; and the Arizona Republic, the leading newspaper of Phoenix, gave the rally its full-fledged support. A head of steam behind him, Jasser optimistically predicted that 500 to 1,000 people would attend the event.

But then the event was held (an audio of the 50-minute long event can be heard online) and reality set in. Estimates vary. The Arizona Republic counted 250 in attendance, the police 400. The number of Muslims, I heard, was between 30 and 100 persons. Most participants were not Muslim but (the Arizona Republic recounts) “people like Michael Fischer, 18, of Glendale, who wanted to denounce the stereotyping of Muslims; and Grace Clark of Apache Junction, who wanted to promote peace.” One correspondent of mine judged the event “a total disaster.”

[Little Green Footballs]

I'm going to say I told you so. 

Back when this whole thing started in 01, I said people were fooling themselves if they thought there was such a thing as a moderate Muslim who does not want us all dead.  If they say they don't, they are lying through their teeth!  Deep in their heart they wish you would die so they can take their rightful place as rulers of the world.  In their hearts they rejoice every time the terrorists kill anyone, anywhere in the world.  A few of them (very few) will try to put on a front as in this post on LGF, but behind closed doors they are celebrating.

The sooner the world realizes this the sooner we can get on with the business of ridding the world of the cancer.  Hitler was mild compared to what we are at the beginning of this time.

I wish I was eloquent enough to get everyones attention.  The big one is coming people.  It is obvious to me now that the liberals of this world have been so successful in dumbing down the entire world that it will take many "Big ones" to get some attention.  The day will come when the people of the world suddenly wake up and realize what is really happening.  This time the weapons available to the enemy are much different than in the time of Hitler.  This time the Londons of this world will be reduced to ashes instantly instead of slowly.  There will be many Londons before it is over.

The next time I say "I told you so"  the dead will be counted in millions instead of thousands. 

Wake up world.  The enemy is amongst us.

8:42:04 AM    


Astronomy Picture of the Day

A Western Sky at Twilight

1:13:14 AM    


5/1/2004. Day By Day Cartoon by Chris Muir

1:05:27 AM    

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